Chapter 40 - We're screwed

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Jessie was ready for the showdown. She had her trusty turret Scrappy by her side, and she was determined to win. She had a score to settle with Leon, who had betrayed her. The words from the letter were still impressed in her mind. She wanted to make him pay.

She was a mess. Her hair messy and she had dark circles from not sleeping, she didn't go back to the dorm the previous night, not after everything that happend.

Piper was confident. She had her elegant umbrella and her sharpshooting skills. She knew she was better than anyone else in the showdown, especially Jessie. She wanted to prove herself, and maybe get her revenge in the process.

Max was excited. She already drank 7 energy drinks that morning. She loved the thrill of the showdown, and she didn't really care about anything else.

Surge was cool. He hoped to have fun, and he didn't let anything bother him. He wanted to improve himself, and maybe help others do the same.

Rico was nervous. He was scared of the showdown, and he didn't want to hurt anyone, especially because he would be put against Piper. He wanted to avoid trouble, and maybe find a way out of this mess.

Nita was brave. She had her bear Bruce. She was fearless in the showdown, and she didn't back down from anyone.

Amber was crazy. She had her fire starter and her fire fuel ready. She was wild in the showdown, and she didn't care about the consequences. She wanted to burn everything, but still wanted to teach a lesson to those who don't respect the rules.

Sandy was sleepy. He was bored of the showdown, and he didn't want to wake up. He wanted to nap peacefully, and maybe dream of something nice.

Colette was as ready as ever. She had her scrapbook and her camera ready. She is always nowhere to be seen in the showdown, and no one knew what she was up to. She wanted to see Jessie's reaction to the letter, maybe Jessie and Leon even got together! That's why she was nowhere to be seen yesterday! She must have accepted the confession!

The showdown began with a bang. The ten brawlers entered the arena, but only one would leave alive.

Nita charged forward with Bruce by her side, ready to take on anyone who crossed their path. She spotted Amber in the distance, who was setting fire to everything in sight.
"Hey! Stop that! You're hurting nature!" Nita shouted.
"Sorry! I can't help it! I love fire! Plus it's not like it's real natur-" Amber giggled.
Nita growled and unleashed a shockwave that stunned Amber and Bruce attacked with his claws.
"Ow! That hurts! Stop it!" Amber cried.
She tried to fight back with her fire starter, but it was too late. Nita's stun gadget activated and Amber fell to the ground.

"Amber has been eliminated!" The announcer said.

Nita cheered and high-fived Bruce.
"That's one down! Come on, Bruce! Let's go find more!"
She ran off with Bruce following behind her.

Sandy yawned and stretched his arms. He had found a cozy spot under a palm tree where he could nap without being disturbed.
"Ah...this is nice..." He said.
He closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

He didn't notice Piper hiding behind a bush nearby, aiming her umbrella at him.

"There you lazy bum..." Piper muttered.
She pulled the trigger and fired a shot that pierced through Sandy's chest.

"Sandy has been eliminated!" The announcer said.

Piper smirked and twirled her umbrella.
"That's two down! Come on, darling! Let's go find more!"
She ran off with her umbrella over her shoulder.


Jessie scanned the area with Scrappy by her side, looking for Leon.

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