Chapter 30 - Fine... I'll go.

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"Like I care! Let's just proceed with the plan~" Colette said into her walkie-talkie, even though Edgar could hear her perfectly fine without the device.
"Energy Drink one and two, in position!" The white-haired girl announced, looking through her binoculars at the street below.
"You can call them Max and Surge, you know?" The boy on the tree replied, rolling his eyes at her theatrics.
"For the last time, USE. THE. DAMN. WALKIE. TALKIE." She shouted into the microphone, making sure to blast Edgar's eardrum, which was currently pressed against the walkie-talkie.
"And second, where's the fun if we call them by their real names?"
"Ow Colette! No need to shout!" A male voice said with obvious pain in it, which belonged to Surge, who was hiding behind a trash can on the other side of the street.
"Oops, sorry! Anyway, go go!" Colette said cheerfully, ignoring his complaint.


"Where are they?! And I thought we were the ones late!" Jessie complained, tapping her foot impatiently on the sidewalk.
She and Leon had agreed to meet their friends at the park, but they were nowhere to be seen. "Maybe they have their superhero duties?" Leon suggested, trying to sound casual, but he was secretly glad that they were alone for a while, since wanted to spend some time with Jessie.

However, his gaze was fixed on the window of a candy shop across the street, where he saw all kinds of sweets and chocolates that made his mouth water. Jessie quickly noticed that his attention was elsewhere and followed his eyes.
She smiled and took his hand, making his heart skip a beat.
"Would you like to go there while we wait?" She asked him kindly.
"Really?! But ahem- what if they arrive while we aren't here?" He stammered, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.
"You know we have phones and we can send them a message saying that we went into that shop, right?" She pointed out logically.
Leon opened his mouth to say something but immediately closed it. He realized that she was right and that he had no reason to refuse her offer.

He nodded and let her lead him towards the shop he was looking at earlier.
'She is holding my hand?! What's happening? Why would she hold my hand-' Leon's thoughts swirled.


"Bea are you still there?" Piper asked impatiently through her phone.
"I don't know, this doesn't feel like the right thing to do..." Bea said hesitantly.
She was standing behind a corner, watching Leon and Jessie enter the candy shop. She felt guilty for having to interfere with their happiness.
"But it is! It's for my revenge, remember?!" Piper said angrily.
"Yeah but still... revenge can't be the only answer..." Bea tried to reason with her, but it was like talking to a wall.
"It is! Now don't delay this any further and go!" Piper ordered, almost yelling at this point.
"I don't want to do this!" Bea protested, feeling scared and conflicted.

"Remember who recommended you to the student council? It won't take a lot of effort to get you kicked out of it! I think you know that my position is very high in this school." Piper threatened, playing her trump card.
"..." Bea fell silent.

She didn't want to meddle with Leon and Jessie's friendship, but Piper had a lot of power over her.
Bea loved the student council: when she was "the new student" she always looked up to them and admired their work. That's when she decided that one of her goals was joining them.
But... how to start?
That's when Piper came into the scene: she simply sneaked a word into the student council about how much of a diligent student Bea is, and since Piper was already popular, let's just say it did the trick.
In exchange, Bea always did all of Piper's homework. The only reason she stuck around with such a horrible person was because she didn't have any other person to pass the time with. Sure, people now always asked for her help with homework or other matters, but they never showed any interest in being her friend.
If Piper was going to make her kicked out of the council and ruin the "friendship" she had with her, not only it would impact greatly her reputation, but she would most likely start getting bullied by Piper.

"Fine... I'll go." Bea said reluctantly, feeling like she had no choice.
She walked towards the candy shop and saw Leon and Jessie browsing through the shelves. She took a deep breath and stretched out her arm, then she waved: "Hi Leon!"

Phew, I feel like trash for making you wait for this long, but I got caught up with the contest and other matters, and eventually completely forgot about writing this OwO"
Welp, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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