Chapter 15 - Let's throw a party!

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Surge felt a wave of boredom wash over him as he lay on his bed. It was Saturday morning and he had nothing to do. His roommate, Brock, had already left to meet up with Colt, leaving him alone in the dorm.

He wondered if he should call Max, his best friend, but he wasn't sure if she was still sleeping or not. He decided to take a chance and dialed her number.

"Hey Surge! What's up?" Max answered cheerfully. She sounded awake and energetic, as usual.
"Nothing really, I'm just dying because of the boredom," Surge complained.
"I pretty much just woke up, you had a perfect timing in calling me," Max said sarcastically.
"I always have a perfect timing! What did you think?" Surge boasted.
"Suuure. Anyway, do you have any plans for today?" Max asked.
"Not really, I have nothing to do. Maybe we can hang out at Super City," Surge suggested.
"Sounds pretty good, but what could we do? I mean, at the moment there aren't any monsters attacking the city," Max pointed out.
"See? Today I'm out of ideas," Surge admitted.
"Hold on a minute, Bea is calling me," Max said suddenly.

Bea was Max's roommate and a member of the student council. Surge tried to listen to the conversation between the two girls through the phone, but he couldn't hear anything except some muffled voices.

"I'm back, Bea just told me that she will help Rosa the whole weekend, so I'm basically alone right now until tomorrow," Max said when she returned to the phone.
"You are alone in your room?" Surge asked eagerly.
"Yeah I just said that-"
"I HAVE AN IDEA! LET'S THROW A PARTY!" Surge exclaimed. He thought it was the best idea ever and he couldn't wait for Max's reaction.
"Mmh, maybe something more simple? I don't know if Bea would agree-" Max hesitated.
"Then a sleepover?" Surge offered.
"Sounds really good! I like this idea!" Max agreed.
"So how many people can fit in there?" Surge joked.
"Around four, if we exclude me and you. Since Bea is a member of the student council our room is a bit bigger than the others. Two can sleep on the couch and the other two can sleep in Bea's bed. We can sleep in my bed," Max explained.

"Nice! Who should we invite?" Surge asked excitedly.
"I don't know, any ideas?" Max wondered.
"Maybe Leon or Jessie? They are our friends," Surge suggested. Leon and Jessie both impressed them during the first week of school, maybe this was a chance to get to know them better.
"Okay! I'll send them a text later. We can invite two more people," Max said.

"Maybe Amber or Emz?" Surge proposed. Amber and Emz were two other girls from their class who had superpowers.
"I don't think that's a good idea. Amber is a part of the council and surely has work to do, like Bea had to help Mrs. Rosa. And Emz... She will probably stay on her phone the whole night," Max reasoned.
"You are right. Should we invite Sandy? He is Leon and Jessie's friend," Surge said. Sandy was another boy from their class who apparenlty always fell alseep in class.
"Sure! It might be a good chance to get to know each other better!" Max said happily.
"Then everything is set. This afternoon do you want to go to Super City to buy some snacks?" Surge asked.

"HELL YEAH! I'M GONNA BUY THE ENTIRE STORE!" Max shouted enthusiastically.

"MAX NO-" Surge tried to stop her, but she hung up.

Sorry for this short chapter! Another chapter will come out soon!
Thanks for reading!

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