Chapter 14 - A Scarf, a Scrapbook and a Ship

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Colette was ecstatic. She had finally managed to get a piece of Spike's weapon - a spine! She couldn't wait to add it to her scrapbook, where she collected photos and souvenirs of every brawler she admired.

She walked into the dark hallway, where the lights had been broken for years. She didn't mind the darkness; it made her room more secretive and mysterious.
Her room was her sanctuary, where she kept all her precious memories and fantasies. She hoped no one would ever discover her obsession.
She gently opened the door and closed it immediately behind her. She didn't want anyone to see what she was hiding in there.

"Colette." A voice startled her. She turned around and saw him. The boy she never wanted to see again.
"Edgar. What brings you here?" She asked coldly.
"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at that place?" He asked back.
"Ouch. Why so brave all of a sudden? Last time I saw you, you were crying like a fountain because you couldn't find your parents. Did you find them anyway?" She taunted him.

She felt something wrap around her throat. It was his scarf. He pulled it tight, making her gasp for air.

"I don't know, I was just asking because I know that they are dead. And not just yours." She choked out.
He dragged her to the wall and slammed her against it. She fell on the floor, covered in photos.
"Get out. Now." He ordered.
"And why should I? I'm part of the student council, after all. I could tell everyone what you just did~" She threatened.

Edgar's angry glare turned into a fearful one. He was afraid of being punished. Who could blame him? In that place, he was always beaten up if he said or did something wrong. He had a trauma. That's what he got for stealing that from her.

Then an idea popped into her mind. He could be perfect for the project she was working on.

"If you don't want that to happen, then you have to help me." She said.
"With what? I hope it's not something that has to do with stalking or something." He said warily.
"Too bad for you. That will be exactly your job." She said.
"WHAT?!" He exclaimed.
She opened her scrapbook and showed him a page.

"There is a brawler, Leon, who apparently likes another brawler, Jessie." She pointed at their photos.

"And so?" He asked curiously.
"I WANT TO PUT THEM TOGETHER! ISN'T IT THE BEST IDEA EVER?!" She screamed. She had stalked Leon for a week now, and it was pretty clear that he had a crush on her.
"You can't control people's feelings! They are free to do what they want!" He protested.
"Sorry, but that's my ship, and you will help me with your parkour skills to get more information. I already know a lot of stuff about these two~" She said, smiling happily at her scrapbook.
"How am I supposed to help you?" He asked reluctantly.
"I just said it, you can get to high places in a second and take pictures or hear their conversations. Do this with every brawler you see." She instructed.
"That's the craziest plan I've ever heard." He said.
"I know! Remember what happens if you don't follow it." She reminded him.
"Yeah, yeah. I know. So it's a deal?" He asked.
"Yes, but the deal includes the fact that you and I won't argue anymore." She added.
"That's not the plan!" He objected.

"Now it is. What can I say? I took after my father."

Yeah they are now partners in stalking.
Okay I should stop now lol.
Edit: quick spell check, nothing new.

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