Chapter 46 - The Starr Park Tragedy

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It was supposed to be a fun day. A day of brawling, cheering, and excitement.
A day to celebrate the grand opening of Starr Park, the most amazing amusement park in the world.
A day to witness the epic showdown between the best brawlers in the land.

But it turned out to be a day of horror, sorrow, and despair.
A day that would change the lives of many forever.
A day that would be remembered as the Starr Park Tragedy.

The park was famouse for its brawling arenas, and to celebrate its success, a big event was held.
The main attraction of the event was the duo showdown arena, where 20 teams of two brawlers each would compete for glory and fame.

The rules were simple: the last team standing wins. The losers would be teleported out of the arena by the respawn system, a high-tech device that could scan and recreate any living being. The respawn system was supposed to be safe and reliable, but something went terribly wrong that day.

No one knows exactly what happened, or who was behind it, but someone or something tampered with the respawn system, disabling it during the showdown. As a result, every brawler who was defeated in the arena died for real. Their bodies were left on the ground, lifeless and bloody.

But no one outside the arena knew that.

The spectators couldn't see what was happening inside the arena. They could only hear the sounds of explosions, screams, and clashes. They could only imagine the carnage and chaos.
They waited eagerly for the showdown to end, expecting to see their favorite brawlers emerge victorious from the arena.

But they never did.

Among the spectators were Jessie and Leon. They were both waiting for their parents to come back.
They were both excited to see their parents in action. They watched the sky above the arena, hoping to catch a glimpse of their parachutes.

But they never did.

A loud siren sounded throughout the park.

A voice announced over the speakers:

"Attention! Attention! There has been an emergency in the showdown arena! Please remain calm and follow the instructions of our staff! We apologize for any inconvenience!"

The crowd gasped and murmured.

"What's going on?"
"Is this part of the show?"
"Where are the brawlers?"

Jessie felt a surge of fear in her chest.
"Mom? Dad?" she cried out.

Leon felt a pang of worry in his stomach.
"Mom?" he shouted.

He tried to push through the crowd to get closer to the arena. But there were too many people blocking his way.
People who were yelling and crying.
People who were scared and confused.
People who didn't know what was going on.

Leon was scared too.
He had never seen so many people at the end of a showdown.
He had never seen so much panic and chaos.

He peeked through the crowd and saw some people with anti-gas masks exiting from a big door. The door where usually the brawlers would enter or exit from the showdown.

Then one of them took off his mask.

He was Gale.

He looked bewildered and angry.

"What the hell happened?! Where are the other brawlers? And why, even if I won, I couldn't just spawn here?!" He yelled.

At his words another man spoke.
He wore a white coat and had a clipboard in his hand.
He looked nervous and guilty.

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