Chapter 35 - You need our help

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"Get on the right lane! We need to get to them before the timer ends!" Jessie told at her companions, before storming off towards the left lane of the field.
"I'm on it! Nani, you go in the middle!" Leon said, before dissapearing in a little cloud of smoke.
"Alright! Peep, we know what to do!" Nani went into some bushes and unleashed Peep.

Piper, Rico and Bea, on the other side of the map, were already celebrating their "victory".


"They'll never get to us time! C'mon, give me a high five!" Piper happily exclamed.


As the team gathered close together, Peep came out of the bushes.


"Watch out!" Rico shoved Piper and Bea out of the way, but the small robot eliminated him.


Bea, stunned for a moment because of the sudden ambush, didn't notice the red-haired girl coming towards her from the bushes.


"Hiya!" Jessie threw Scrappy right next to Bea.


Scrappy eliminated Bea in a blink on an eye.


Piper loaded her shotgun, ready to eliminate her. Rico hadn't fully respawned yet.


"You're too late Jessie! We ar-"


2 vs 1. It's unfair. It's always so unfair.


Piper dissapeared in a small cloud of red smoke.


"Great job everyone! Wanna get some ice cream? My treat!"
"Yay ice cream! Let's go!"

Piper was beyond furious.
Rico and Bea were ready to get insulted a yelled at, but that didn't happen. Piper insted went towards another field, were the train targets were.
"See you this evening. I have some training to do."
That night, Piper didn't come back to the dorms.


Leon was going back to his room after eating a deliscious ice cream with Jessie and Nani, he was walking there alone because they both said they had to fix both Peep and Scrappy after the earlier bounty match.

Robots don't regenerate on the field, just living begins can. That's why Jessie is often so busy with machines.

"Everyone's ready?" Colette asked with excitement.
"Yeah, so we are telling him?"
"Yes, so get into position!" Colette exclaimed.
"I might not be able to, you know..." Bibi said, pointing at the asleep Sandy on her shoulder.
"That's fineee...." -you won't be together for too long anyways....
"That said- Max, go and get him" Colette commanded.
"I'll be as fast as light!"

"Leon! Over here!" Max exclaimed, waving at him.
"Uh, Max? Do you need anything?" Leon questioned.
"Yeah, we need.... help with a project"
"What? What do you mean by "we"- Hey!"
Max grabbed Leon's arm and dragged him as fast as she could along the hallways, her strength wasn't something to joke about, she was a trained superhero after all.

Finally, they got into an hallway where the light was flickering, and she shoved Leon into the dark room.
"MAX! WHAT-" Leon tried to yell at her, only to be silenced by a cold hand on his mouth.

Leon felt a shiver down his spine as he realized he was trapped in a dark room with someone he couldn't see. He tried to free himself from the hand that covered his mouth, but it was too strong. He heard another familiar voice.

"Shh, baby boy is sleeping, you don't want to wake him up."
"Colette! Stop making fun of Sandy!" Leon recognized Bibi's voice.
"Woah Max- no need to be so aggressive" He also recognized Surge's.
"Sorry for dragging you all the way here-" Max said.
"That's it guys, let's talk about what we need to talk about." A familiar voice said.

"You are Colette, right?" Leon questioned, he remebered her from their ancounter that day.
"Yep! We are here to talk!" The white-haired girl happily exclaimed.
"You could've just asked ya' know?" He said, annoyed.
"We weren't certain if you would've listened to us that way hehe... So blame her for her ways" Colette said, pointing her finger at Max.
"You told me to drag him here!"
"Not quite literally- oh, Edgar here, by the way." the black haired boy, who was in the darkest side of the room said.

"Anyways!" the white haired girl said. "Come on, Leon, you know you like her!" Colette said with a smile that hid her madness. "She's smart, funny, cute and she can build amazing machines! What more do you want?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered. "Jessie and I are just friends. We're teammates, nothing more."

"You immediately knowing who were we talking about proves Colette's point." Edgar said.

"W-well- who is smart, funny, cute and can build amazing machines other that her?!" Leon stammered.

"Please, Leon, don't be shy," Edgar said in his charming accent. "We all know you have a crush on her. We've seen how you look at her, how you blush when she talks to you, how you always try to impress her with your skills." Colette looked over at Edgar, giving him a small smile. "Looks like he undersood the assignment".

"Yeah, dude, you're so obvious," Max added. "You should just go for it! Jessie likes you too, you know. She always smiles when she sees you, she laughs at your jokes, she compliments your stealth abilities."

"Trust me, Leon, you have a chance with her," Surge said. "You just need to make a move. Show her your feelings. Be confident and bold."

"I agree," Bibi said as she nodded her head. She was holding Sandy in her arms like a teddy bear. Sandy was snoring softly, oblivious to the situation. "I think you and her would make a cute couple."

Leon felt overwhelmed by their words. He didn't know how to respond.

But... does he really like Jessie?

Leon has always admired Jessie for her mechanical skills and her cheerful attitude. He likes to hang out with her. But lately, has he been feeling something more than friendship for her?

In a moment, everything clicked together. The blushing, the worring for her when she couln't sleep at night, the comforting, the night they passed on the cherry tree, the jealousy he felt when Jessie and Sandy were together... was it because he always liked her, from the very first moment?

"Guys, please, stop it," he said weakly. "I appreciate your support, but I don't need your help. I can handle this on my own."

"No, you can't," Colette said firmly. "You need our help. We're your friends and we want you to be happy. And we know Jessie will be happy too. So we're going to help you whether you like it or not!"

She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the door.

The group was determined to make Leon and Jessie a couple.

"How lovely" she tought.


Hey everyone!  I'm sorry for begin so inactive, but I have been busy with sorting out some stuff lately (you can take a look at my conversation board here on Wattpad). During 2023 I plan on finishing this book, plus I've also been studying more english lately so that I can improve the quality  and the lenght of my chapters (from 500 to 1000 words per chapter).
Thanks for sticking around! I hope you liked this new chapter and that you'll continue following its updates!

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