Chapter 47 - As Clear As The Day

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Jessie opened her eyes slowly, feeling a dull ache in her head. She blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the dim light in the room, or rather, the absence of it. She realized she was lying on a bed, covered with a white sheet, and it was late night. 

She looked around, confused. Where was she? What had happened?

She saw a small table next to the bed, with a glass of water and some pills on it. There was also a note that read:
"Jessie, drink this and take these. You'll feel better soon. - Leon".
Jessie felt a surge of relief and gratitude. Leon was here. He had saved her.

Jessie turned her head to the other side of the bed, and saw him sleeping on another bed, a few feet away from her. He looked pale and tired, but peaceful.
She noticed a bandage wrapped around his left leg, stained with blood. She remembered only that Colette was about to kill her, and a massive headache soon after.

And that Leon was the key to her memory.

She wanted to talk to him, to ask him what had happened, to thank him for saving her life. But she didn't want to wake him up. He looked like he needed some rest. She decided to wait until he woke up naturally.

She lay back on the bed, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. She closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep again. But she couldn't. Her mind was racing with questions and memories. She tried to recall what had happened before she passed out.

She remembered how Colette had revealed her obsession and madness, showing them her scrapbook filled with pictures and notes of them and their teammates. She remembered how Colette had shot Piper, making her fall to the ground. She remembered how Colette had aimed at her, ready to finish her off.

She shivered, feeling a cold sweat on her forehead. She wondered if they had survived. She wondered how they had escaped. She wondered how the others were doing.

She opened her eyes again, feeling restless and anxious. She looked at Leon, hoping he would wake up soon. She needed to talk to him. She needed to know.

She was about to call his name, when he stirred anyway, opening his hazel eyes and smiling weakly at her.

"Hey, Jessie," he said hoarsely. "You're awake."

Jessie smiled back at him, feeling a warm glow in her chest. She wanted to hug him, to thank him for saving her life, but she didn't know how he would react. 

They had been friends once, long ago, but they-

Wait, what?

Leon. The name was as clear as the day.

It was no longer cloudy. It was sunny.

She remembers. Jessie remembers everything.

"Leon, what happened?" Jessie asked, trying to sound casual. "How did we get out of there?"

Leon sighed and sat up slowly, wincing as he moved his leg. He reached for the glass of water on his table and took a sip.

"It's a long story," he said. "But I'll tell you everything."
He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"After you passed out, I carried you as best as I could to the metal door of the arena," he began.

He closed his eyes and let his mind drift back to that nightmarish scene.

He saw himself running across the arena, as best as he could with and injured leg, holding Jessie in his arms. She was limp and pale, her eyes closed, her breathing shallow. He felt a pang of fear and worry for her. He hoped she was okay. He hoped she would wake up soon and help him to get out of there.

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