Chapter 11 - Bring it on

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Leon was bored in class. He hated this subject, and he could barely understand what Mr.P was saying. He wished he could just skip it. He looked out of the window and sighed.

"Jessie, where are you? I hope you're having a better time than me". He thought.

Suddenly, his phone beeped.
He looked at it and saw a notification from Emz's profile.
She was onr of the most popular girl in schools, and everyone followed her on social media.
She apparently had just posted a video.

"What's this? A new video from Emz? Let's see what she's up to."

He opened it and was shocked by what he saw.
It was a video of Piper, the meanest girl in school, bullying Jessie.

"What the hell? Is that Jessie? And Piper? What is she saying to her? That's horrible!"

He felt a surge of anger and sadness for Jessie. How could Piper do that to her? Jessie was the nicest person he knew. She was kind, smart, and funny.
Piper, on the other hand, was a nightmare. She was rude, arrogant, and cruel from what he heard around the school.
He decided to do something about it. He didn't care about the class anymore. He grabbed his phone and ran out of the door, ignoring the teacher's protests.

"Leon! Where are you going? Come back here!" The teacher shouted.
"Sorry, sir, I have an emergency." Leon said, without looking back.

"Sorry, sir, but I have to save my friend." He thought.

He headed towards Piper's class, which was on the other side of the hall.
He saw her walking out of the class with a smug smile on her face. She was surrounded by her friends, who were laughing and complimenting her on the video.

"There she is. The witch. Look at her smile. She thinks she's so cool. Well, she's not."

He shouted her name and confronted her about the video.

"PIPER!" He yelled.
She turned around and saw him. Her smile faded.
"What do you want?" She asked, annoyed.
"What do I want? I want you to explain this!" He said, showing her his phone with the video.
She looked at it and smirked.
"Oh, that? That's just the truth, why do you care so much about it anyways?" She asked.
"The truth? That's bullying!" He said.
"Bullying? Don't be so dramatic. She deserved it." She replied.
"Deserved it? For what?" He asked.
"For being a loser who can't stand up for herself." She sneered and said.

He clenched his fists and felt his face turned red.

"How dare you say that? Jessie is none of those things! She is my friend and I care about her! And you have no right to hurt her like that!" He said.

She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Care about her? Please. You're just friends with her because you probably feel sorry such a loser." She said.
"That's not true! I like her more than anyone else in this school! More than you, that's for sure!" He said.

She gasped and glared at him.

"More than me? How can you say that? I'm better than her in every way! I'm prettier, richer, and more popular than her!" She said.
"Are you kidding me? You're delusional! You're not better than Jessie in anything! You're just a spoiled brat who thinks she can get whatever she wants by being mean to others! I don't like you! And I never will!" He said.

Piper clenched her teeth.

"You don't like me? Fine! Then I don't like you either! You're just a jerk who doesn't appreciate me! You're not worth my time!" She said.

"You know what? Let's settle this once and for all, during the showdown."
"The showdown? You want to beat me during the showdown?" She raised her eyebrows and said.
"Yes. A showdown. And the stakes are high. If I win, you have to leave Jessie alone forever. You have to stay away from her." He nodded and said.
"I'm not scared of anything. Especially not of you." She said, gritting her teeth.
"Good. Then it's a deal. But-" Piper raised her tone.
"If I win, you have to stay out of my way forever." She smiled and said.
"Fine. Bring it on. I'm not afraid of you."
"You should be. Because I'm going to crush you."

They glared at each other and walked away.

The whole school witnessed their exchange. They were all talking about it.
They couldn't wait to see who would win. And who would lose.
He went back to his class, and everyone looked at him with admiration and respect. He was a hero.

"Hey Leon! You're awesome!" Max greeted him and said.
"Oh hey Max. Thanks." He replied.
"I heard you're going to duel with Piper. That's so brave of you." She complimented.
"Yeah. I have to. She crossed the line." He stated.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll win. Me and Surge are by your side. Jessie is our friend too, after all." She assured.
"Isn't that teaming?" He wondered.
"No, it's not teaming. It's just a challenge. A 'hunting Piper down' challenge. She just has to die before you, right?" She joked.
"Right. That sounds fair." He smiled and agreed.

He appreciated their support. They were both good friends, plus he also got the attention of two superheros, for the second time this school year!

"Thank you guys. You're the best." He thanked.
"Good luck!" She wished.

Then she sat down at her seat. He sat down at his seat too.

He looked at his phone and saw the video again.
He felt a pang of guilt and worry for Jessie.
He hoped he could make it up to her.
He hoped he could be lucky.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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