Chapter 23 - Rooftop Revelation

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Sandy had been trying to tutor Bibi in basic math, but it was a hopeless task.
Bibi had no interest in learning anything, and she always found ways to avoid paying attention. She would doodle on her notebook, play with her bubble gum, or even sneak out of the library when Sandy wasn't looking.

Sandy was a patient and kind person, but even he had his limits. He wanted Bibi to improve her grades and her behavior as Mrs. Rosa requested, but he felt like he was wasting his time.
He had tried different methods and strategies, but nothing seemed to work. 

Bibi was stubborn and rebellious, and she didn't appreciate Sandy's efforts.

Sandy then decided he had enough. He was explaining fractions to Bibi for the umpteenth time, but she was staring out of the window, bored and restless.

"That's it." Sandy said, slamming his book shut.
"You're impossible, Bibi. I don't think I can help you anymore." He wasn't angry, just frustrated and sad. He had failed as a tutor and as a friend.
He got up and walked away, leaving Bibi alone in the library.

"WAIT!" Bibi shouted, but it was too late.
Sandy had already left.
"SHH!" Some people shushed her.

Bibi felt a pang of guilt and regret. She had been a bad student and a worse friend, and knew Sandy cared about her and wanted to help her, but she had pushed him away.
She didn't want to admit it, but she didn't dislike Sandy. He was smart and funny and nice. He was the only person who treated her with respect and kindness in a long time.

But she didn't know how to show him that. She didn't know how to express her feelings or accept his help. She had learned to be tough and independent, to rely only on herself. She had learned to survive in a harsh and cruel world.

She didn't want to go back to her dorm.
She didn't want to face anyone or anything, and just wanted to be alone for a while, to think about what she had done and what she could do. But where could she go at this hour? Retropolis was too far and too dangerous. Then she remembered a place where she could be alone and peaceful: the rooftop.

She ran through the hallways and the stairs, until she reached the last door. She opened it and felt the breeze on her face.

"Finally..." She whispered, sitting down on the edge of the roof. She looked up at the sky, which was getting darker by the minute. The stars began to twinkle in the night.

They reminded her of happier times, when she and her father used to watch the stars from their apartment window.

Bibi's father was a cashier at Bull's diner, a popular place in Retropolis where people from all walks of life came to eat and chat. Bibi loved going there with him, meeting new people and making friends. Her father was a cheerful and friendly man, who always had a smile and a joke for everyone.

But everything changed when Bull died in Starr Park, an amusement park that turned out to be a nightmare. Bull was one of the many victims of the park's incidents, and his death left a huge hole in Retropolis.

Bibi's father lost his job and his income, and they had to move to a cheaper apartment in a bad neighborhood. Bibi lost all of her few friends and her sense of belonging. But that wasn't the worst part.

One day, her father left early in the morning, saying he had an important errand to run. He promised he would be back soon...

But he never returned.

Bibi waited for him all day, until she couldn't wait any longer. She went out to look for him, hoping he was just delayed or lost.

But what she found was a scene of horror.

Her father had been attacked by a gang of thugs who wanted his money. They had beaten him up and stabbed him several times, leaving him to bleed to death on the sidewalk. There were no witnesses or suspects, and the police didn't care much about another victim of violence in the slums.

Bibi was devastated. She had lost everything: her home, her family, her happiness. She was alone in the world, with no one to care for her or protect her.

But she didn't give up. She decided she had to be strong and brave. She found an empty apartment in the outskirts of Retropolis, where no one bothered her or noticed her. She started stealing food and money from shops and people, using her speed and agility to escape from trouble.

She got used to this life of crime and solitude, until one day an old man caught her red-handed.

"Shit!" She thought.
"Wait! Don't run away! I won't hurt you!" The man kept saying.
Bibi unfortunately found a dead end.
"What the hell do you want?!"
"I'm here to talk."
This got Bibi attention.
"I heard a lot about you, I want to offer you a place in my school."
"Pfft- A school?! Me?! Hahaha!" She couldn't help but laugh.
"You'll have a place to stay and food everyday for free"
Bibi immediately stopped. This offer didn't sound bad.
After a few minutes of thinking she came off with a conclusion.
"Deal. Mr..?"
"Gale. Call me Gale" the man said with a reassuring smile.

Sorry if this chapter was a bit weird but I wanted an excuse to tell Bibi's backstory, I might edit this.
I apologize for the lack of Jessie×Leon content but once the crew will be complete there will be a lot of it ;)
Also, thank you so much for 6K views on this book! <3
Hope you enjoyed!

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