Chapter 43 - Why keep trying?

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Piper hated Jessie with every fiber of her being.
She hated her for what she did to her mother.
She hated her for ruining her life.
She hated her for being alive.

Piper's mother was innocent.
She was framed for a crime she didn't commit! 
Accused of attacking a little girl named Jessie, who was found with a wound on her head on the sidewalk near her mansion. 
The police arrested her and later executed her.

All because of Jessie.

Piper will never forget that night. The night where her hopes and dreams tore apart.

"I'M NOT THE ONE WHO DID THIS! I SWEAR!" The woman shouted desperately as the police handcuffed her and shoved her into the car with force.

"Please listen! She didn't do it! She was at home with me and dad!" Piper cried out from behind the police tape. She tried to break free from the grip of her father who was holding her back.
"Mommy! Where are they bringing you?!"

"Listen, they are taking me to another city, please, don't worry. I'm sure that you will make justice for me, I'm sure you will change the world. You are a brave girl Piper, you are destined to big things. But can you promise me something?" The woman said, trying to sound calm and confident.

Piper shakingly nodded.

"Get your revenge for me. Goodbye, Piper." The woman said, before the police shoved her head into the car.

Piper never saw her mother again. 

She only received a phone call from her father a few days later.
Telling her that her mother was dead.

"Your mother isn't with us anymore. Now be a good girl and go to sleep."

The man hung up the phone, leaving the little blonde girl falling on her knees in the dark room, remembering her mother's last words as she silently cried.

Piper hated Jessie for what she did to her mother.
Piper blamed Jessie for everything that went wrong in her life.
She wished Jessie was dead.

But Jessie wasn't dead. Jessie was alive and well.
Jessie still had her brother.

Jessie was happy.

But Piper wasn't happy.
Piper was miserable.
And she blames it all on her.

And when Piper found out that Jessie started going to her same school, she decided to make it her chance to make Jessie miserable too.

Piper was the most popular girl in school, and also the most mean-spirited.
She swore to make her life hell.

That's what mother wanted, right?

Even if it wasn't, that was what Piper wanted.

Piper was always looking for ways to hurt Jessie, physically and emotionally.
She would spread rumors about her, steal her stuff, trip her in the hallways, throw food at her in the cafeteria.

She would call her names like "freak", "loser", "nobody".

She would tell her that she was worthless, that she didn't belong here, that she should just disappear.

She would tell her that she knew what she did to Piper's mother, that she was a murderer, that she deserved to die.

But Jessie didn't know what Piper was talking about.
Jessie didn't remember anything about Piper's mother, or the attack, or the pipe, or the blood, or the arrest, or the execution.

Jessie didn't understand why Piper hated her so much.
Jessie didn't understand why Piper wanted to hurt her so much.

Jessie tried to ignore Piper and avoid Piper and stay away from Piper.

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