Chapter 19 - Your job starts today!

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It was a bright Monday morning, but not everyone was feeling cheerful.
Edgar dragged himself out of the bed, still feeling groggy and grumpy.
He had no desire to start his first day at a new school, where he would be the center of attention for all the wrong reasons.

"Edgar, hurry up! Your job starts today! And you can't be late!" Colette shouted from outside their room.
She was now not only his roommate, but also his boss.
Colette had two jobs: one as a cashier at a local store, and another as a stalker.
She was going to teach Edgar how to do her second job, which he had no choice but to accept. She needed him for it. She still remembered how easy life was when they were kids, stalking others together. But then he betrayed her, and she never forgave him.

"Why should I?" Edgar snapped back. He hated being her puppet, her tool, her slave. Not again. "Do you want to go back to where you came from?~" She taunted him. She knew he absolutely didn't want to.

He groaned and got dressed, while Colette was happily skipping down the creepy hallway.
The broken lights flickered above them, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
They headed towards the school building, which was connected to the dorms by a long corridor. Along the way, they stopped at one of the doors that was hidden between two high hedges.

"Why are we here?" Edgar asked, trying to suppress his urge to punch Colette's smug grin.
"This is where Piper usually enters the school. You know who Piper is, right?" She asked innocently.
Edgar nodded. He had heard of Piper, everyone wanted to be her friend, or more from what he heard during the school tour given by Amber.
"Well, as you can see, I'm not very tall, so my pictures are often blurry or low-quality... So you will climb up there and take them for me! I think you know what to do next." Colette said as she pointed up to one of the hedges.

Edgar remembered very well. When they were kids, he was happy to help her. She was his only friend, and he was curious about what she would do with the pictures. But his curiosity led him to make his biggest mistake ever, one that he would always regret.

He sighed as Colette took out her camera from her backpack and handed it to him. He climbed up the hedge with ease, using his scarf as a grip on the branches and the wall. He camouflaged himself so well into the greenery that no one would notice him. 

He felt like a fool, especially on his first day of school.

"Just one more thing," Colette said in a low voice.
"It's not Piper who will enter from this door today. Don't worry, I'll distract them while you snap those pictures!" She lied to him again.
"What?! What do you mean by-" Edgar started to protest, but she cut him off. "Shh! They're coming!"

Edgar heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door. He adjusted his position and aimed his camera at the entrance. 

"Are you seriously so tired? You know you would have been late if I didn't wake you up." A feminine voice said.
"You know I'm a heavy sleeper..." Another voice replied. 

Colette's eyes widened with excitement. She recognized those voices instantly. Jessie's cheerful voice and Leon's sleepy voice. She had a perfect plan for them, one that involved Edgar's skills.

"Anyway, what do you have for first cl-"
"Hi there!" Colette interrupted them loudly. Both of them turned around in surprise. 

Colette gave a slight glare to Edgar from behind them. It was the signal that she always gave him when he had to do those things. 

"Hey?" Leon said cautiously. He remembered meeting this girl before and wondered what she wanted from them, but before he could say anything else, Jessie jumped into the conversation. "Hi! You must be Colette, right?" She greeted her warmly, extending her hand for Colette to shake.
Colette looked like she was going to explode from happiness.
She took her hand and shook it vigorously. "And you are Jessie! One of their daugh- I mean! You are the amazing brawler who won the last showdown!" She blurted out.
"I just wanted to congratulate you! You both were awesome!" She made up an excuse.
"T-thanks." Both Leon and Jessie said at the same time, feeling awkward.
They glanced at each other, noticing how their faces turned slightly red.
"Well, I gotta go now. See ya!" Colette said quickly, and ran away. 

They watched her go, confused and curious. Then they shrugged and continued their way to the school.

Edgar climbed down from the hedge, feeling dirty and guilty. He handed the camera back to Colette, who was waiting for him with a wicked smile.
"What do you actually want from those two?" He asked, removing a leaf from his hair.
"Very simple." She said.

"I want to make them a couple."

Yup another chapter. I don't have much to say. So I really hope you enjoyed!

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