Chapter 13 - I'm just doing a favor for my friend

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The speaker's voice echoed in the arena.
Jessie felt a surge of joy. Leon won the bet against Piper, the bully who tormented her for so long. She was finally free!

But her celebration was cut short by a rustle in the bushes.
She turned and saw Surge emerging from the foliage.
He had no power cubes, but he was still dangerous with his splitting attacks.
Jessie quickly fired her shock rifle, hoping to scare him off.
Surge didn't back down. He charged at her, firing his own weapon.
Jessie dodged and weaved, but some of his shots grazed her. She felt a sharp pain in her leg.

"Looks like you need some rest," a voice said behind her.
It was Sandy. He had four power cubes.
He joined the battle, throwing sand at Jessie and Surge.

Jessie retreated behind a wall, trying to heal her wounds. She glanced at her super meter. It was almost full. She just needed one more shot.

She peeked out and fired at Surge, who was busy fighting Sandy. Her shot hit him, and she heard a satisfying ding. Her super was ready.
She threw Scrappy, her trusty turret, over the wall and activated her gadget.
Jessie heard two loud thuds.
She looked over the wall and saw Surge and Sandy dissapear in a cloud of smoke, their power cubes scattered around them.

"Surge has been eliminated by Jessie!"
"Sandy has been eliminated by Jessie!"

"Yes! Double kill!" Jessie cheered. She limped over to the power cubes and picked them up. She now had six power cubes.
She found a bush nearby and hid in it, hoping to recover from her injuries.

Leon was in a bush, as always. He was invisible, thanks to his super. He was scared that Surge or Sandy would find him and kill him.
He felt a throbbing pain in his back. He remembered how Piper had shot him from afar, when he least expected it. Her bullets did more damage at long range, and he had barely survived.
He looked at the poison clouds that were closing in on him. He had to move soon, or he would die.
He got up and tried to walk, but he stumbled and fell on his knees. His back was bleeding profusely.
He then realized that Piper's bullet had left a deep wound in his flesh.

He cursed under his breath and crawled to another bush, hoping to regerate as soon as possible. It was large and shady, but he had a bad feeling about it. There could be someone else hiding there.

He couldn't see well in the dark, so he sent one of his clones ahead of him. His clones usually ran towards the nearest enemy, giving away their position.

He watched as his clone stopped in the same bush as him.
He felt a chill down his spine.
He was not alone.

Suddenly, a blue bolt of electricity flew towards him. It was one of Jessie's shots, bouncing off someone else in the bush.
He tried to dodge it, but it was too late. The bolt hit him in the chest, sending a jolt of pain through his body.

He collapsed on the ground.

"Max has been eliminated by Jessie! SHOWDOWN!" The speaker announced.

"Leon! Please! I'm sorry!" Jessie's voice sounded distant and muffled. He opened his eyes and saw her blurry face above him.

"D-don't worry, I-I already won..." he whispered, before everything went black.

He woke up in the respawn area, next to the showdown arena. Everyone was cheering for Jessie, who had won the match. Everyone except for Piper, who looked furious.

"You won huh? Then have fun with that loser," she spat at Leon, before storming off. Leon smiled weakly at her retreating figure. He had won the bet after all. He had outlived her in the match.
The crowd dispersed slowly, leaving Leon alone with Jessie. He walked over to her and congratulated her.

"Congrats Jessie!" he said.
"LEON! I'M SO SO SO SORRY!" she exclaimed, turning to face him.
"Hey that's okay! You couldn't have known that I was in the bush, and..."
She looked at him with confusion.
"You won't have to be bullied by Piper anymore," he said softly.
She hugged him tightly and started crying.
"Thank you, you don't know how much I owe you!"
"Don't worry, I'm just doing a favor for my friend."

Suddenly a memory came back,
Me and you on a park bench,
Your eyes were still puffy, and you still were crying a bit.
"I'm sorry for bothering you today..." you said.
"Don't worry, I'm just doing a favor for my friend"
"For sure! Why shouldn't I be your friend?"
You didn't said a word, you just smiled.

"Brawltopia to Leon? Are you okay?" Jessie said, snapping her fingers in front of his face.
"Yeah, I just zoned out for a bit, sorry," he said.
"What are we going to do now? I'm kind of tired," Jessie asked.
"Me too, maybe we can take a nap?"
"Sounds good," she said.

I'm sorry || Brawl Stars Leon x JessieWhere stories live. Discover now