Chapter 44 - The spark in her eyes dimming

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She felt a sudden jolt of pain in her stomach, as if someone had plunged a knife into her flesh. She looked down and saw a stream of blood pouring out of a hole in her abdomen.
She let out a scream of agony, dropping her weapon and holding her wound. Everyone stared in shock. 

She was the legend of the arena. She was the graceful and lethal sharpshooter who never missed a target.

She was Piper.

And she had just been shot.

She collapsed on the ground, feeling her strength fading away. She tried to say something, but only blood spilled out of her lips. She looked around, searching for a friendly face, someone who would care for her. But all she met was terror and chaos.

She couldnt help but laugh.

"H-How ironic, huh?"

All she ever wanted was one simple thing.

"i-it's not fair... It's not fair..." she whispered.

She glanced at her hand, soaked in blood from her injury.

She was dying. She knew that.

The pool of blood growing, she gazed at the artificial sky of the arena.

Even the sky was fake. Nothing here was real.


The spark in her eyes dimming.

"You were right about everything..."

Her light blue dress, smeared with crimson red.
Her life flashing in front of her eyes.

"I'm not okay... I never was..."

She closed her eyes, ready for the end.

"I'm such a terrible person."

But it never came.

Instead, she heard a voice, a voice that made her shiver.

"Oops, did I do that?" the voice said mockingly. "Sorry, Piper, I guess you were in the way."

Leon and Jessie stared in disbelief.

It was another brawler, one who had been hiding behind a wall. One who had been waiting for the perfect moment to strike. One who had shot Piper.

It was Colette.

And she had shot Piper.

And she didn't seem to regret it.

"Colette, what are you doing?" Jessie asked, terrified and confused.
She saw Piper's body just a few feet away from her. Jessie stared at her, unable to even move or think.

Colette turned to Jessie and grinned maliciously. "Oh, hi Jessie," she said cheerfully and creepily. "You're next on my list."

She opened her scrapbook and showed Jessie a page full of photos of her. Photos of her and Leon, photos of her and her friends, photos of her and Scrappy. Photos that captured every moment of her life.

"I've been following you for a long time, Jessie," Colette said with admiration. "You're one of my favorite brawlers. You're so smart and creative and cute. I want to be just like you."

She flipped the page and showed Jessie another one. It was blank.

"Except for this," Colette said with excitement. "This is where I'll put your final photo. The one where you're dead."

She raised her scrapbook and aimed at Jessie.

Jessie's survival instincts kicked in. She grabbed her rifle and ran away into the arena.

She hid behind a bush, trying to process the information with difficulty.

She clutched to her rifle, realizing she had left Scrappy at the metal door with Leon, so her rifle was her last line of defense.

Following her for a long time? Why would Colette want to kill her?

"Oh Jessieee! Where are you? I need to finish your page!" Colette called out with impatience.

Jessie shivered in fear and dread, she didn't know what to do or where to go.

"You know, I tried to do it the other way, but Leon keeps messing everything up!" Colette complained with frustration.

What did Leon have to do with any of this?

"He said he will confess, but he never does! I tried so hard to get the two of you together!" Colette revealed with anger.

Jessie was even more in disbelief and shock. Leon knew this all along? Or is this just a trap? Confess? Confess what? The "two of them together"? What does it mean?

"Don't you remember Jessie? He would always care about you, but you forgot!" Colette reminded.

What is she talking about? Jessie met Leon at the start of this year!

"You know? You were getting along too well, so I had to do something!" Colette admitted with jealousy.

The next sentence made Jessie's blood freeze on the spot.

"The metal pipe! It was me! Fortunately Piper's house was near! But you didn't die!" Colette confessed with pride.

Jessie felt like dying for a moment and then living again.


It was all Colette.

She had amnesia because of Colette.

Jessie suddenly remembered a glipmse that night with clarity.
The coulds that occupied her mind and obscured her memory for so long finally started to show a ray of light.

She was going home, someone hit her with that metal pipe. That someone was Colette.

Piper's mom was innocent.

Piper hated her because of what Colette did.

Colette was the real criminal and monster.

Jessie's emotions shifted from fear to rage.


Hi everyone! It's with pride and a little bit of sadness that I announce you that this book is near its end, with chapter 50 begin, most likely, the last one.
I take this occasion to thank you all for 27.4K views!
And what do you think happens next? Will Piper make it? What will happen to Colette and Jessie?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you'll continue to follow the updates on this book!

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