Chapter 18 - The Sleepover

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Jessie looked around the hallway of the dormitory, feeling a bit lost. She had only moved in a week ago, and she still hadn't memorized the layout of the building. She followed Leon, who seemed more confident about where they were going.

"So this is Max's room, right?" Jessie asked, pointing at a door with a colourful sticker that said "Max Power".
"Yeah, that's what she told us. I hope she's not messing with us," Leon said, knocking on the door.
"Who's there?" A female voice asked from inside.
"It's us, Jessie and Leon," Leon answered.

The door opened, revealing Max, energetic as always.

"JESSIE! LEON!" Max exclaimed, wrapping her arms around them in a tight hug. "I'm so happy you made it! Come on in!"

She let them go and stepped aside, inviting them into her room. Jessie and Leon entered, and saw Surge sitting on a bed.

"Hey guys! Welcome to Max's humble abode," Surge said, waving at them. "Don't mind the mess, we were just setting up the mattresses for tonight. Make yourselves comfortable while we wait for Bibi and Sandy."

Max closed the door behind them and joined Surge on the bed. Jessie and Leon found some space on the floor and sat down. The room was small but cozy, decorated with posters of superheroes, cars, and sports. There was a laptop on a desk, a mini fridge in a corner, and a closet full of clothes and gadgets.

The four friends chatted for a while, catching up on what they had done during the summer break and what they expected from the new school year.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Max said, jumping off the bed and running to the door. She opened it and saw two more people standing outside. It was Bibi and Sandy, the last members of their group.

"Hi there-" Max started to say, but then she locked eyes with Bibi. For a moment, everything went silent.
"ARE YOU BIBI FROM THOSE FIGHTS?!" Max shouted back.
"YEAH I AM!" They both said at the same time.
"IamreallygladtomeetyouIlovehowyoufoughtAmbertheotherday!" Max said in one breath.
"Thanks! I'm a fan of yours! I really like the way you handle Super City's threats!" Bibi said back.

The others watched in confusion and amusement. Did they know each other?

"Excuse me do you each other?" Sandy interrupted.
"Yes but actually no apparently, Mr. Sleepy head," Bibi said to Sandy, who had yawned.
"What are you waiting for? Come in!" Max said, pulling Bibi and Sandy into the room.
"So they're fans of each other. Now I know where Max learned how to break the rules so often. Nice," Surge whispered to Jessie and Leon, while Max and Bibi kept talking excitedly.

Then he had an idea.

"What about we watch a movie?" He suggested.
"What kind of movie?" Jessie asked, hoping it wouldn't be something scary.
"Horror obviously!" Everyone except Sandy and Jessie said.

Max turned on her laptop and searched for a horror movie online.


Jessie and Sandy were clutching each other in fear every time something scary happened on the screen.
They both hated horror movies, but they didn't want to be left out of the fun.

Max was sitting on another mattress, drinking energy drinks like water. She loved horror movies, but she also loved staying awake all night. She had bought dozens of cans earlier that day.

Bibi was lying on another mattress, laughing at the movie. She thought it was so fake and cheesy that it didn't scare her at all. She enjoyed making fun of the characters and their stupid decisions.

Surge and Leon were sharing the last mattress, eating popcorn and chips. They were into the movie, but they also glanced at their friends from time to time. Surge noticed how Max was drinking too many energy drinks, and Leon noticed how Jessie was clinging to Sandy.

The movie finally ended.

"Bro, that was so lame!" Bibi said, still giggling.
"I know, right?!" Max agreed, still drinking her energy drink.
"Max, if you drink more of that, you won't sleep for days, lol," Surge commented.
"But that's exactly what I want to do," Max said.


The sleepover was almost over, the only thing left was to sleep. Everyone except Max and Leon had fallen asleep. Max couldn't sleep because of the energy drinks, Leon couldn't sleep because he had something on his mind.

"So how are you? I didn't really ask you earlier," Max asked Leon in a low voice.
"I'm good, this school year started really well," Leon said, looking at Jessie, who was sleeping peacefully.
"Oooh~ does someone have a crush?" Max teased.
"What?! No! I've only known her for barely a week!" Leon whispered loudly. He felt his face getting hot.
"Suuuuuuure," Max said sarcastically.
"Never mind, I'm going to sleep," he said grumpily.
"OK! Good night," Max said.

Leon closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but he couldn't stop thinking about Jessie. The weird feeling of jealousy didn't leave his mind that night.
He sighed and turned to the other side, hoping to find some rest.

'I've only known her for barely a week'

Writer's block got in my way and I jad another project to work on.
To avoid this long wait without any kind fo updates, from now on I'll be posting randomly some spoilers or sneak peeks for this book on my Discord server! The link is in my profile, but feel free to ask it in the comments if you can't find it.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Edit: spell check 1

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