Chapter 7 - Moonlight walk

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That night, the moon was shining brightly in the sky, casting a soft light over the Brawltopia. The campus was silent and peaceful, as most of the students were sleeping soundly in their dorms. Only a few lights were on, indicating that some of them were still awake, studying or playing games.

That night, Leon woke up suddenly. He looked around the room, and saw Jessie sleeping peacefully in her bed. She looked so calm and innocent, he couldn't help but smile. He checked the clock on his phone, and saw that it was 4 am.

'Why did I have to wake up so early?!' he thought to himself, as he facepalmed himself and tried to go back to sleep.

But after an hour of tossing and turning, he still couldn't sleep and felt restless and bored.
He was about to give up and get out of bed, when he heard some strange sounds. They sounded like sobs.

He turned around and saw Jessie crying in her sleep. She looked so sad and scared, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He wondered what she was dreaming about.

"Jessie? Jessie wake up!" he said softly, shaking her shoulder gently.
Jessie opened her eyes and saw Leon's worried face. She felt confused and embarrassed.
"L-leon? Why aren't you asleep? Did I wake you up?" she asked, sitting up on the bed.
"No, I woke up an hour ago," he said.
"Did I cry in my sleep again?" she asked, wiping her eyes.
"Yes, you did. That's why I woke you up," he said.
"Sorry for bothering you. I probably should go back to sleep," she said, feeling guilty.
"That wasn't a problem-" he started to say, but she cut him off.
"I'm sorry for always bothering everyone!" she said, hugging her knees.

She felt like she was a burden to everyone. She often had nightmares she couldn't understand, and she couldn't get rid of them.

"Don't say that! You never bothered me," Leon said, sounding sincere. He felt sorry for her.
"Thank you," Jessie said, smiling at him. She felt grateful for his kindness.

He nodded and lay down on his bed again. She did the same, but they couldn't fall asleep. Neither could they stop thinking.

"Jessie?" Leon whispered.
"Yes?" Jessie whispered back.
"I can't sleep, so I'm going out for a walk. I'll be back in one or two hours," he said, getting up and zipping up his hoodie left on a chair nearby.
"Wait-- can I come too? I can't sleep either," Jessie asked, hoping he wouldn't mind.
"Sure, it's not a problem," Leon said, smiling again.

They left their room quietly and walked out of the dorms building, heading to the back of the school.
"Where are we going?" Jessie asked him curiously.
"You'll see. It's a place where I liked to go when I need to relax or clear my mind last year," Leon said mysteriously.

Behind the school there was a huge garden, full of plants and flowers of all kinds. It was where Mrs Rosa taught them about botany and ecology, and also where she grew new bushes for the showdown maps, as whenever a bush in a map was destroyed by someone's super, like Shelly or Colt for example, Mrs Rosa would plant new ones in this garden, and then transfer them to the map when needed.

The most striking thing in the garden was the cherry tree in the center.
It was a tall and majestic tree, with a thick trunk and many branches. Its leaves were a bright green color, contrasting with the delicate pink petals of its blossoms. The blossoms were in full bloom, covering the tree with a soft and fragrant atmosphere.
The tree looked like something out of a fairy tale.

"Wow Leon, this place is beautiful!" Jessie exclaimed, admiring the scenery.
"Yeah it is. But it's even more beautiful if you climb up the tree," Leon said, winking at her.
"Wait- We can't climb up the tree! We're not supposed to be here in the first place..." Jessie protested, feeling nervous.
"Don't worry, no one will see us. Come on, I'll help you," Leon said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the tree.

He climbed up the tree with ease, as if he had done it many times before.
He reached out his hand for Jessie and helped her climb up too.

They sat on a branch together, enjoying the view.
They could see the whole garden from there, as well as the stars in the sky.
They felt a gentle breeze on their faces, and smelled the sweet fragrance of the flowers.
They felt peaceful and happy.

"Thank you," Jessie said, feeling grateful.
"For what? It's nothing special," Leon said, shrugging.
"You showed me this place, at 5 am- and you woke me up from my nightmare. A 'thank you' is barely enough," Jessie said sincerely.
"No problem. But can I ask you something?" Leon asked hesitantly.
"Sure, what is it?" Jessie asked curiously.

"Are we friends?" Leon asked softly, almsot surprised by his own question, he probably got carried away ny the atmosphere.
"Of course!" Jessie answered quickly.
They smiled and looked relieved.

They were about to say something else when they heard a loud noise from below.

"COLT GET YOUR BUTT HERE OR I'LL SHOOT YOU RIGHT NOW!" Shelly shouted angrily, chasing Colt with her shotgun.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Colt screamed in fear, running away from Shelly as fast as he could.
"SHELLY VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER TO THESE PROBLEMS!" Amber yelled at Shelly, trying to catch up with her and calm her down.
"YEAH AMBER IS RIGHT! STOOOOOP!" Brock yelled too, following them closely.

They looked at each other and sighed. They knew they had to intervene before someone got hurt.

"Maybe we should try to stop Shelly. I don't want Colt to get killed," Jessie said, feeling sorry for him.
"Yeah, we should," Leon agreed.

They climbed down the tree and ran after them, hoping to end the chaos.

This chapter is a bit longer than others- hope you didn't mind and enjoyed it!

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