Chapter 10 - A new student

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Amber walked through the hallway towards the principal's office, feeling nervous and angry. She had just been in a fight with Bibi, and she knew she would face some consequences.
But she didn't regret it, she deserved it for being so rude and arrogant.

Mrs. Rosa, followed behind her, trying to calm her down.
"Amber, please don't worry. We're not here to punish you. We just want to talk to you."
Amber didn't believe her.
She wondered what the principal would say to her.
Would he suspend her? Expel her? Make her apologize to Bibi?

She reached the door of the principal's office and knocked. A voice from inside said, "Come in."

Amber and Mrs. Rosa entered the room and sat down on the chairs in front of the principal's desk.
The principal, Mr. Gale, looked at Amber with a serious expression.

"So," he began, "Amber, I heard you had a fight with Bibi."
"Yes, I did," Amber admitted. "But it was necessary. She was-"
Amber, I don't care if it was necessary or not," Mr. Gale interrupted. "You know that fighting is not tolerated in this school, and you also know that Bibi has a difficult past."

Amber rolled her eyes. She hated when people used Bibi's past as an excuse for her behavior. She knew that Bibi had been through a lot, but so had many other brawlers in the school. That didn't give them the right to break the rules.

"Mr. Gale, her past is not an excuse," Amber argued.
"Amber, calm down," Mrs. Rosa said gently. "We didn't call you here to talk about Bibi."
Amber was confused. If they didn't want to talk about the fight, then why did they call her here?
"Then what do you want to talk about?" she asked.

Mr. Gale smiled slightly and changed his tone.

"Well, Amber, we have some good news for you," he said. "Today we are going to have a new student joining our school. We were wondering if you could show him around and make him feel welcome."
Amber blinked in surprise. A new student? Why did they choose her to be his guide?
"Isn't that Colette's job?" she asked.

Colette was the school's official tour guide as she loved meeting new brawlers and showing them the school facilities.

"Yes, it is," Mr. Gale said. "But Colette has a tendency to... overreact when she meets new brawlers."
Amber remembered the last time Colette had to give a tour to a new student named Spike. Colette was so excited that she kept asking him for his autograph and some of his hair samples.

That was very awkward and embarrassing.

"Okay, I get it," Amber said. "I'll give the new brawler a tour."
"Thank you, Amber," Mr. Gale said. "He will be here in an hour, so please go back to your class for now."
Amber nodded and left the room.


Jessie walked into her classroom and sat down at her desk. She hoped that no one would bother her today.

"Hey, Trophy Road brawler!"

Speking of the devil. She heard Piper's voice behind her.
"What do you want, Piper?" Jessie asked angrily.
"Nothing, just wondering if you like your new nickname," Piper said smugly.
"Why should I? You're just an Epic after all," Jessie retorted.

Piper slammed her hands on Jessie's desk, making everyone in the class look at them.

Emz took out her phone and started recording the scene.

"Listen up, Trophy Road brawler," Piper said menacingly. "I'm not joking around here. I don't even know why you came back to school. Everyone was better off without you."
Jessie felt tears stinging her eyes.
Piper laughed cruelly and walked away, leaving Jessie alone and humiliated.

Mrs. Rosa entered the classroom and started the lesson.


Edgar arrived at the school, carrying his backpack.
He looked around the building, feeling bored and unimpressed.
He didn't care about school.
He didn't care about learning.
He just hoped that there would be some nice places for him to practice his parkour skills on the school grounds.

"Welcome to Brawltopia's school!" a cheerful voice greeted him. "I hope you enjoy it here! What's your name?"

Edgar turned around and saw a girl standing in front of him.
"Edgar," he said shortly.
"Nice name! I'm Amber. I'm here to give you a tour of the school. Then you'll have the rest of the day free, so you can get familiar with the new environment."
Edgar nodded, not wanting to be rude.

He followed Amber as she showed him around the school, pointing out the classrooms, the cafeteria, the library, the arenas, and the dorms.
He listened to her explanations, but he didn't pay much attention to them.

After the tour, Amber gave him the keys to his room and left him alone.
He thanked her and went to his room.

It was number 34.

The end of hallway were is room was supposed to be was dark and quiet, with dim and flickery lights.
He wondered why they had to give him such a creepy room.
He reached the end of the hallway and saw a door with a faded number 34 on it. He opened it and was surprised by what he saw inside.

The room was a mess, smelling like mold and dust.
The walls were cracked and stained and the windows were dirty.
The bed was covered with a torn and dirty sheet, and there were several photos of other brawlers hanging on the wall or lying on the floor. Some of them had their eyes scratched out or their faces crossed out, as if someone had vandalized them with a marker or a knife.
There were papers, books, clothes, and other stuff thrown around the room.

'I guess I have a roommate then'

Sorry for the late chapter, but I had the writer's block and didn't know how to continue.
Edgar won't be one of the main characters of this story, bit he will still be a side character.

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