Chapter 36 - Another hit

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Piper was furious. She had lost another match. She felt like she was losing her edge, her reputation as the best sniper of the school. She needed to practice, to improve, to show them who was boss. She grabbed her umbrella and headed to the training grounds, ignoring the dark clouds that gathered in the sky and Bea and Rico that tried to call her to come back. She ignored them all.

Once she arrived on the field, she set up some targets and started shooting. She aimed carefully, trying to hit the bullseye with every shot. She felt a surge of satisfaction when she heard the sound of metal hitting metal. She moved on to the next target, and the next, and the next. She didn't stop, even when the rain started to fall. She didn't care about getting wet or cold. She only cared about hitting her mark.

That's all she could think about. Bam. Another hit.

That's what everyone in this damn school cared about. Bam. Another hit.

That's what her parents would have wanted her to do. Bam. Another hit.

But is this what she really wants?

Get your revenge for me...
Be a good girl and go to...

She shook her head, as if the doubts could dissapear from her mind.
Yeah. This is what she wants.

She increased the difficulty of the training, adding moving targets and obstacles. She ran and jumped and slid, firing her umbrella at every opportunity. Her movements were filled with anger, as if she was venting her frustration on the targets. She imagined they were her enemies, the ones who had humiliated her in the arena. She wanted to make them pay, to make them feel how much pain she was in.

Her parents weren't exatcly the most lovely parents. They wanted the very best for her, and he very best only.
But she still cared, she will always care.
She was sure her mother has been framed that night. And she was sure it was that Jessie. she was just jelous that her parents were alive and hers weren't, probably. That's why she injured herself that night and framed her mother.

Her mother got a death penalty for what she was framed for.
An innocent. Her mother.

She trained for hours, until her fingers were numb and her eyes were sore. She didn't notice how dark it had gotten, or how hard it was raining. She only stopped when she ran out of ammo. She looked around and saw a field of broken targets and bullet holes. She felt a pang of pride mixed with exhaustion. She had done well, she thought.

She collapsed in the field, that field far away from anyone who could help her. She felt a sharp pain in her chest and a cold sweat on her forehead. She reached for her phone, but then she stopped. What was the point? She had failed. She had let everyone down. She had no friends, no family, no purpose. She closed her eyes and waited for the end. The rain started to fall, soaking her clothes and hair. She didn't care. She didn't feel anything anymore. She just wanted revenge.

Piper had always felt lonely as a child. Her parents were busy lawyers who rarely had time for her. She spent most of her days in her room, reading books or playing with her dolls. She craved their attention and affection, but they always seemed to have more important things to do. She wondered if they even loved her.

One day, her world turned upside down when she learned that her mother had been arrested for a crime she didn't commit. Piper knew it was a lie, but no one believed her. Her mother was sentenced to death and executed without a fair trial. Piper was devastated and felt betrayed by everything and everyone.

Piper felt alone and abandoned. She had no friends at school and no family to support her. She developed a tough and sarcastic personality, to cope with her pain.
She didn't trust anyone and kept everyone at arm's length, yet her sniper skills made her more popular that ever, so much that she became the role model of many students, that's also how she met Bea.
She focused on herself on what she considered her mother's death wish: avenge her.

And she was sure not to let her down.


Rico was worried sick. He hadn't seen Piper since she left earlier. It was now a rainy night and she hadn't returned or answered any of his calls. He decided to go look for her with Bea, who was also concerned about her. They took their weapons and a flashlights and headed to the field where Piper usually practiced.

The field was a mess. There were broken targets everywhere, some still smoking from Piper's shots. Rico and Bea searched for any signs of Piper, hoping she was okay.

They suddently saw her limp body on the cold and hard ground.

They ran towards it and found Piper lying on the ground, and unconscious."Piper!" Rico cried out, kneeling beside her. He checked her pulse and felt relieved that she was still alive.
He gently lifted her head and placed it on his lap. "What happened to you, my love?"
"I'll call Mrs. Rosa for help!" Bea shouted, before running off in the distance.

 "What are you doing to yourself, Piper?"

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