Chapter 4 - The Inseparable Duo of Super City

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The city was under attack by a giant flying beetle, and Max was not going to let her teacher's orders stop her from saving the day. She nudged her best friend Surge, who was sitting next to her in class, and whispered urgently.

"Surge, we have to go to Super City, now."
"But Mr. P said we have to stay here and study." Surge looked at her with a puzzled expression.
"I don't care what he said, we have to go. There's a monster out there and we're the only ones who can stop it."
"But how are we going to get there?"

"Easy, if we go faster than light, he won't even notice us."

Max pulled out two cans of her special energy drink from her backpack and handed one to Surge.
"Now we're talking," Surge said, grinning.
They both chugged down the drink and felt a surge of power coursing through their veins. They got up from their seats and dashed out of the classroom, leaving behind a trail of papers and books.
They ran through the hallways, dodging other students and teachers, and made their way to the school gates.

"Let's go!" Max shouted, as they sprinted outside.

They ran across the town, heading towards the towering skyscrapers of Super City. As they got closer, they could see the monster in the distance, a huge beetle with metallic wings and razor-sharp mandibles. It was about to smash buildings and cars with its massive legs, causing chaos and panic while at it.

"What monster is that?" Max asked.
"That's Mega Beetle, she can fly and shoot stingers."
"Right. Well, nothing we can't handle, right?"
"Right. Let's party!"

They reached the city and saw the monster up close. She was terrifying, but they were not afraid. They had faced worse before.

Surge took out his energy drink gun and aimed at the monster's eyes. He fired a stream of liquid that blinded her temporarily.
"Nice shot!" Max said, as she shot at the monster's legs. She hit one of them and made it buckle under the weight of the beast.
The monster roared in pain and anger. She flapped her wings and lifted off the ground, preparing to fly away.
Max and Surge kept shooting at her, trying to bring her down. The monster flew away, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

"Yay! We did it!" Surge cheered.
"Good job, Max! You were awesome! Without your help, we couldn't have saved the city!"
"Thanks, but you did most of the work! Blinding her was a brilliant idea!"

They high-fived each other and smiled.

"Wait- we have to go back to school!" Max suddenly remembered.
"Oh shoot, you're right! Let's hurry!"

They ran back to their town, hoping that Mr. P hadn't noticed their absence.

As they ran, Surge noticed that Max was holding her arm with a grimace on her face.
"Hey Max, are you okay? What's wrong with your arm?"
Max tried to hide it from him. "It's nothing, really."
Surge stopped running and grabbed her arm gently. He pulled it away from her body and saw a bloody wound on it.
"Max! You're hurt! When did this happen? Was it during the fight?"
Max nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, but it's nothing serious. Don't worry about it. Let's go back to school."
"No way! You need to see a nurse right now!"
"No, I don't! It's just a scratch!"
"Yes, you do! Come on!"
Surge picked up Max in his arms and carried her back to school. Max protested and struggled at first, but then gave up and let him do it.

He reached the school and took her to the nurse's office. He set her down gently and let her go inside.
"Can you please wait for me here until I come out?" Max asked him.
"Sure, I'll wait for you," Surge said.

He waited outside the door for a while. He thought about Max and how much he cared for her.

He remembered how they met for the first time.

He was a kid then, and he was already the protector of Super City. He had inherited his role from his dad, who had disappeared when he was a baby. He never knew his mom either. He lived alone in his apartment, with only his gadgets and weapons to keep him company.

He loved his job, but he also felt lonely sometimes. He wished he had someone to share his accomplishments and happiness with.
One day, he saw a girl wandering around the city. She looked lost and scared. She had bruises and cuts on her body. She looked like she needed help.

He decided to approach her and talk to her.

He introduced himself and asked her name. She said it was Max. He asked her where she was from. She said she didn't know. She said her parents had left her alone in their apartment and never came back, without any food or water. She said she had came there in hope to survive, as her parents not only starved her, but beated her up too if she wasn't obidient.

She saw their dissapearence as a chance to escape.

He felt sorry for her and wanted to help her. He invited her to his apartment and offered her some food and water. He cleaned her wounds and gave her some clothes. He told her she could stay with him for as long as she wanted.

She thanked him and smiled. He smiled back.

They became friends.

He showed her around the city and taught her how to fight monsters and villains. He shared his secrets and dreams with her. He made her laugh and smile.
She learned from him and supported him. She shared her feelings and hopes with him. She made him happy and complete.

They became best friends. They became inseparable.

They became each other's everything. And nothing could ever change that. Not even a giant flying beetle.

That's how Max met Surge, and how they became the duo they are today.

Surge smiled as he remembered their past. He was glad he had met Max. He was glad he had saved her.

He heard the door open and saw Max coming out of the nurse's office. She had a bandage on her arm and a smile on her face.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Surge asked.
"Much better, thanks. Maybe going to the nurse was the better option."
"So you're admitting that I was right?"
"Yeah, maybe."

We both started heading back to class with a smile on their face.

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