Chapter 8 - A rather eventful morning

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Jessie and Leon had just arrived at the school's front, where they found Shelly, Colt, Brock and Amber in a chaotic scene.

"What's going on here?" Leon asked Amber, who looked annoyed.
"Long story short- basically, Shelly lost to Colt in a game of UNO and went berserk. She chased him all over the school and gave him a black eye." Amber explained, pointing at Colt's bruised face.
"Ouch. That must have hurt." Jessie said sympathetically.
"My beautiful face is ruined!" Colt whimpered and rubbed his cheek.
"That's what you get for cheating. Next time, don't mess with me or my cards." Shelly snorted and crossed her arms.
Colt nodded meekly, too scared to argue.

Amber then turned to Jessie and Leon with a curious expression. "By the way, why are you two here so early in the morning?"

Jessie and Leon blushed and avoided eye contact.
"Um...we just couldn't sleep, so we decided to come here for some fresh air." Leon lied.
"Uh-huh. Sure." Amber said skeptically, but she didn't press further.
She was the student council president and she had a reputation to uphold. She was always kind and fair to everyone, even if they broke some rules.
"Anyway, let's go back to our dorms now. It's not safe to be here at this hour. I'll let this slide for now, but don't do it again, okay?" Amber said firmly.

Everyone nodded and followed her lead. Colt kept glancing at Leon from behind his back.

The next morning, Jessie opened her eyes and groaned. The alarm clock was ringing loudly, but Leon was still sleeping. She looked at him and shook her head.

She got out of bed and nudged him.
"Leon, wake up! Or you're going to be late!" she said.
He snorted and turned away from her.
She raised her voice. "WAKE UP, LEON!" He mumbled something unintelligible.
She sighed and gave up on him.
"Fine, but don't blame me if you miss class, sleepy head," she said.

She went to the bathroom and got ready. She put on her uniform, brushed her hair and teeth. She grabbed her backpack and left the room, locking the door behind her.

She walked to the school building, enjoying the sunny day.

"Hey, Nani! Did you bring Peep with you?" Jessie asked, smiling.
Nani nodded and took out Peep from her backpack.
"Here you go. I'll fix it for you later, okay?" Jessie said, handing it to Nani.

Nani hugged Peep and thanked Jessie. "You're awesome, Jessie! Thank you so much!" she said. Jessie smiled back at her. "No problem! I'm happy to help," she said.

They chatted for a while, until they heard the bell ring. They realized they had to hurry to class. Jessie reached for her backpack to put Peep inside it, but then she noticed something wrong.
There was no backpack.

She panicked and wondered what to do. She needed her backpack, it had all her tools and gadgets in it! How could she survive the day without them?!

Meanwhile, Leon had finally woken up after snoozing his alarm clock several times.
He yawned and checked the time, and immediately gasped and jumped out of bed.
He was late for class!

He quickly got dressed, putting on his jeans, sneakers and hoodie. He ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't care much about how he looked; he was more interested in having fun.

He was about to leave the room when he saw Jessie's backpack on her desk.
Her backpack had a few stickers and patches on it, such as robots and gears.
He realized that she must have forgotten it.
Without thinking too much, he took Jessie's backpack and ran out of the room. He looked for Jessie in the crowd of students, hoping to find her before class started.

He spotted her talking to Nani in the hallway. He ran towards them and interrupted them.

"Hey! Sorry for the interruption but Jessie, you forgot your backpack in our dorm so I brought it here," he said, giving her the backpack.
Jessie looked at him with surprise and relief. She took the backpack from him and said, "Oh, thank you so much! You're a lifesaver!" She smiled at him warmly, making his heart skip a beat. He felt his face turn red and he stuttered.
"N-no problem! B-bye!" he said, turning away from her.

He cursed himself for being so awkward around her.

He then headed to class, feeling confused and flustered, until he saw a crowd of brawlers blocking his way.

They were cheering on two students who were fighting with their weapons and gadgets.

He didn't know who they were, but he was curious to see who would win, so he joined the crowd and watched the fight.

Word count: 596
Sorry if this chapter turned out bad, is like 1 am in my country and I really wanted to publish a chapter. Hope you enjoyed it anyway!

Edit: I re-write this chapter because I wasn't satisfied whit it at all. I just couldn't concentrate by thinking that this chapter was so bad. Now I can fully concentrate on chapter 9.
Thanks for reading!

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