Chapter 27 - The Matchmakers

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'Enough is enough! I won't let Colette do anything else to me! I'm not a kid who can be pushed around!' Edgar thought angrily as closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


The next day, Colette had arranged to meet Max, Surge, Sandy and Bibi at the cafeteria. She wanted to show them her latest scheme.

"I'm so mad! We lost in Hot zone because Emz decided to spin instead of fighting! How stupid can she be?" Leon complained.
"Hey, don't be so hard on Emz. She's just having fun. And you did great, Leon. You shouldn't blame yourself for losing because of someone else." Jessie said, trying to cheer him up with a smile. 

The two friends were walking together to the cafeteria to get some food, when Jessie spotted the others and waved at them. 

"Hi guys!" She greeted them cheerfully.
Everyone gasped and looked nervous.
"Uh, hi Jessie! And Leon!" Sandy said nervously, fidgeting with his hair.
Everyone else mentally facepalmed themselves.
"What's up with you guys?" Leon asked, sensing something was off.
"We're fine, thanks- Oh! Look at the time! We have to go to the Brawl ball field! We have a practice session! Sorry, gotta go! Bye!" Max said quickly, grabbing Surge by the arm and dragging him away. Bibi and Sandy followed them hastily.

"That was weird." Jessie said to Leon.
"Yeah, and they went the wrong way to the Brawl ball field." Leon pointed out, looking confused.
"Do you think they're avoiding us?" Jessie asked, feeling a bit hurt.
"Of course not! They probably just have something else to do. And don't worry, Jessie. You'll always have me as your friend!" He said confidently.


"That was awful." Bibi said once they were out of sight from Leon and Jessie.
"There you are! I've been looking for you!" Colette shouted, running towards them with a big smile on her face.

"Come on, Edgar is waiting for us in my room." She said, leading them to the dorms.


When they entered the room, Colette wasted no time in explaining her plan.
"So, you all know why you're here, right?" Everyone nodded.
"Good. So my plan is simple: make Leon and Jessie fall in love with each other, just like I did with Amber and Lou!"
"Cough cough that's how you got into the student council cough cough" Edgar muttered under his breath.
"Would you be quiet, please?" Colette said menacingly, showing her sharp teeth.
Edgar shuddered. He knew Colette was dangerous. That's why he decided to keep an eye on the group of brawlers, so they wouldn't get hurt like he did.

"Edgar, give me the folder." The white-haired girl commanded.
He hesitated, but eventually handed Colette a pink folder.
She opened it and several pictures of Leon and Jessie fell on the small table.
"Where did you get all these?" Surge asked nervously.
"Don't worry, I have pictures of everyone in my scrapbook!" Colette replied casually. Everyone exchanged uneasy glances.
"Anyway, we have a lot of work to do..." As she shared her romantic ideas for the two brawlers, everyone nodded and gave their input.
It was a fun time for everyone. Maybe even for Edgar. 

Just a group of friends having a good time.


Sorry for the long wait! I hope it was worth it I have to study a lot for my exams, and that's why I'll be kinda inactive here.
From the next chapter to the final chapter it will be basically all Leon × Jessie lol.
I also remind everyone to read part 7 of my random book. It's very important.
That's all! Thanks for reading!

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