Chapter 29 - Conflicting Schemes at the Park

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Jessie was frantically rummaging through her closet, looking for her yellow hoodie.
They had promised to meet up with Max and Surge at the park, but she had overslept and now she and Leon was running late.
She cursed under her breath as she tossed aside clothes that were not what she needed.

"Where is it? Where is it?" she muttered, growing more anxious by the second.
"Who cares? Take this and let's go!" Leon shouted from the doorway, holding another yellow hoodie in his hand. He threw it at Jessie, who caught it reflexively.
She looked at it and gasped.

It was Leon's Sally hoodie.

She recognized it instantly. It was the one he always wore when they weren't in school.
She looked up at him, her eyes wide. He was blushing slightly, avoiding her gaze.

"Hey, quit staring at it! As you said, we are late!" he snapped, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room.

Jessie didn't have time to protest or change. She quickly slipped into the hoodie, feeling its warmth and softness envelop her. It was too big for her, but she didn't mind. She felt a strange flutter in her chest as she followed Leon down the stairs and out of the dorm.

They ran towards the bus stop, dodging pedestrians and cars along the way. Jessie could hear Leon's breath in her ear, matching her own. She could feel his hand in hers, squeezing gently. She could smell his scent on the hoodie, making her dizzy.

She couldn't help but blush.

'What would the others think about this?' she wondered, imagining their reactions. Would they tease them? Yes, they would definitely do.

She didn't have time to think more, as they reached the bus stop just as the bus arrived. They got on board and found a pair of free seats near the back. They plopped down, panting and sweating.

"We... did... it..." Leon said, trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah..." Jessie said, looking at him sideways. He looked back at her, his eyes sparkling. For a moment, they felt like they were alone in the world, oblivious to everyone else on the bus.

That moment ended when they got off the bus.

They walked towards the park entrance, feeling a breeze on their necks. Jessie reached up and touched the hood of Leon's hoodie. She smiled, feeling cozy and happy.

They walked like that, side by side, unaware of the eyes that were watching them.

"1-2-3, I repeat, 1-2-3, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" A loud voice crackled from a walkie talkie.

It was Colette, who was talking to Edgar from behind a bush. She had given him a walkie talkie before they split up, so they could communicate with each other.
Edgar was sitting on a tree branch above Jessie and Leon. He was part of Colette's plan to get Jessie and Leon together as her assistant.

He picked up his walkie talkie and answered Colette.

"Ow! Shut up! I'm literally next to you!" he said, annoyed by the noise.
"Nope, you are above me, and use the walkie talkie!" Colette said cheerfully.

She was hiding behind a bush directly under Edgar's tree, holding a clipboard and a pen. She was the mastermind behind the whole operation.

Her plan was simple: Max and Surge would talk to Jessie and Leon and invite them to hang out at the park. Then they would find excuses to leave them alone, such as going to buy ice cream or use the bathroom. Bibi and Sandy would be in charge of distracting Max and Surge whenever they tried to come back, by engaging them in conversation or challenging them to a game. Edgar would keep an eye on Jessie and Leon from above, while Colette would monitor everything from behind the bush. She would give instructions through the walkie-talkies if needed.

It all would have been perfect if it wasn't for...

"They are getting off the bus right now," Rico reported into his phone.

"Got it!" Piper said eagerly.

Piper was sitting on a bench across the street with Rico by her side. She was holding a large newspaper in front of her face, pretending to read it.
In reality, she was watching Jessie and Leon through a small hole she had cut in the paper.

She was not happy with what she saw.

She had devised her own plan to ruin Colette's plan. She had enlisted the help of Bea, Emz, Poco and Sprout, who were all in different locations around the park. They were all connected by a phone call, so they could communicate with each other.

Her plan was also simple: Bea would approach Jessie and Leon and ask him if he had eaten Piper's sweets. Leon, uponrealizing that he still didn't, would most likely eat one of them in fron of Bea out of pity. By seeing her, he will immediately fall in love with her because of the potion!

Piper hoped that by doing this, she would make Jessie and Leon fight with each other.

"Bea, prepare to make your move," Piper said into her phone.
"But I don't really want to..." Bea said hesitantly. She was standing behind a tree, holding a bouquet of flowers.
She didn't like Piper's plan at all.
She didn't want to hurt Jessie or Leon, who seemed like nice people.

"Just go! It's not that hard!" Emz said impatiently. She was standing in front of a random store, scrolling through her social media. She didn't care about Jessie or Leon either, but she liked drama and gossip. She wanted to see some action.

"If she doesn't feel like doing it, we shouldn't force her!" Poco said kindly. He was sitting on a bench next to the store where Emz was situated.
"You're right..." Emz said reluctantly. She had a soft spot for Poco, and she couldn't argue with him.
"Well, at least we should try?" Bea said uncertainly. She still felt conflicted about her choice. Was it right? Was it wrong? It didn't matter at that point.

"Wait, two obstacles are going towards them," Piper said suddenly, spotting two figures that approached Jessie and Leon.

"Aren't those, like, the two heroes?" Emz asked, trying to see through the crowd that was in front of the store.
"Yes, the girl is Max and the boy is... wait who was he?" Rico said, forgetting the name of one of Colette's accomplices.
"Surge, you chicken! Now concentrate!" Piper said, nudging Rico with her elbow.
Piper glared at him, then focused on her targets again.
She was not going to let them get away with their happiness.

Not on her watch.

"Hey, isn't that Piper over there?" Edgar asked Colette through the walkie talkie. He had spotted Piper and Rico on the bench, holding the newspaper.

He didn't trust them. He knew they were up to something.

"First, use the damn walkie talkie! Second, I saw her too, but we have Bibi and Sandy in case something goes wrong," Colette said calmly.
She had planned for this possibility. She knew Piper was jealous of Jessie and Leon, and she expected her to interfere.
'She planned all of this very well apparently...' Edgar though, amazed by how Colette's plan was so well structured.
Still, he remembered how he was in the plan, too. And how he was begin used again. 

"Yeah, but still, Piper means trouble, especially since she is looking directly at our lovebirds."

Holy chicken nugget, 12K+ views?
Even with my months of inactivity?
You guys are awesome, thanks for all the support!
I am so sorry that this chapter took so long, but I actually took a break and then school did all the work.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope it was worth the wait!
(Also, stay tuned for the 100 followers special~)

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