Chapter 28 - Twisted plan

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"Here's the plan," Colette announced, as she gathered her friends around a table in the school library. She had a mischievous grin on her face and a notebook in her hand.
"You two," she said, pointing at Max and Surge, "will invite Jessie and Leon to that cafe downtown, but then you'll have a 'emergency' and you'll leave them alone. That way, they'll have some quality time together and maybe realize their feelings for each other." She winked.

Max and Surge nodded eagerly, excited to play matchmakers for their oblivious buddies.

"Consider it done!" Max declared, jumping up from her seat and grabbing Surge's hand. "Let's go find them before they leave for lunch!" She dragged Surge along.
"Max! Wait for me!" Surge yelled, trying to keep up with her pace. He stumbled over his own feet, nearly dropping his backpack.

They ran across the hallways, dodging other students and teachers, until they spotted their targets near the cafeteria. Jessie and Leon were standing in front of a vending machine, chatting casually.

"Hey you two!" Max said as she wrapped her arms around them from behind. "How are you doing today?"
Jessie and Leon turned around, surprised by the sudden hug. They smiled when they saw who it was.

"Oh, hi Max!" Jessie greeted her warmly.
"Hey Max!" Leon echoed.
Surge followed behind Max and waved at them.
"We wanted to hang out with you!" Max continued, releasing them from her embrace. "How about today at that cafe here in town? You know, the one with the cozy couches and the delicious pastries?"

Jessie and Leon exchanged looks, unsure what to reply.

"Uh... sure," Jessie said hesitantly. "That sounds nice."
"Yeah! Why not?" Leon agreed reluctantly.
Max clapped her hands happily. "Great! It's settled then! Let's meet there at four o'clock!"

She grabbed Surge's hand again and dragged him away before they could change their mind.

"See you later!" she called over her shoulder.
"Bye!" Jessie and Leon waved back.
They watched them disappear around the corner, then looked at each other with confusion.
"What was that all about?" Jessie asked.
"I have no idea," Leon shrugged.


Meanwhile, at another table in the cafeteria, a group of popular kids were plotting something sinister. They were the ones who ruled the school with their beauty, money, and influence.

Piper was the leader of the pack, a spoiled and snobby blonde who thought she was better than everyone else, and she hated anyone who dared to challenge her or steal her spotlight.
She hated Jessie for what happend that night and she also hated Leon, for defending Jessie and humiliating her during the showdown.

She had a twisted plan to get her revenge on both of them, and she had enlisted the help of her loyal followers.

"So you made me a gift to apologize to me?" Leon asked suspiciously, as Piper approached him with a small box in her hand. He was sitting at his usual table with Jessie, who was glaring daggers at Piper.
"Of course, sweetie!" Piper cooed, batting her eyelashes at him. She ignored Jessie's presence, as if she didn't exist. "I'm so sorry for being mean to you before. I hope you can forgive me."

She handed him the box, smiling sweetly.

Leon took it reluctantly, feeling uncomfortable. He didn't want anything to do with Piper, but he didn't want to be rude either. Piper hadn't done anything to him lately, but she had hurt his friend a lot.

"Well, uh, thanks," he said awkwardly.
"You're welcome! Oh, and I suggest to eat them later today! I took them out of oven not long ago, so they still might be too hot!" Piper said cheerfully. "I have to go now, bye bye!" She blew them a kiss and walked away, joining her friends at another table.

"Weird..." Jessie muttered under her breath, watching her leave.
"I know right...? Let's see what she gave me..." Leon said curiously.

He opened the box, expecting something nasty or tacky. To his surprise, he found some of his favorite sweets: chocolate-covered almond cookies.

"That's kind of amazing..." he said, impressed.
"They're probably poisoned," Jessie joked.
They both laughed, breaking the tension.

Piper and her friends were watching the scene from their table, smirking evilly. They had overheard Max and Surge's plan to set up Jessie and Leon, and they decided to use it for their own benefit.

Piper had concocted a love potion with the help of Sprout.
She had spiked the sweets she gave to Leon with the potion, hoping he would eat them and fall in love with the first person he saw.
She planned that person to be Bea, a quiet and nerdy girl who was good at shooting but bad at socializing. She was one of Piper's friends, but only because she was afraid of her.

Piper had explained her plan to her friends, who agreed to help her out of fear or amusement.

"So we must make Leon fall in love with Bea with my potion later today," Piper said confidently.

"Why Bea?" Emz asked curiously. Emz was a girl who loved to take selfies and post them online. She had purple hair that covered one eye, pale skin that contrasted with her dark makeup, and a phone that she never let go of. She was Piper's second-in-command, and she enjoyed making fun of others as much as she did.

"Because Bea is the opposite of Jessie," Piper explained. "She's successful, skilled, and loyal. Jessie will hate Leon for liking her."
"That's mean," Emz commented. "#ILikeIt."
"Then what?" Rico asked.
"Then," Piper said, "we'll make sure they see each other with Leon's new crush by his side. Jessie will be heartbroken and jealous, and they'll hate each other. Then Bea will reject Leon, and they'll both be miserable and alone, and I'll have my revenge!"

She laughed wickedly, imagining the scene.

"That's harsh," Poco said softly. Poco was a musician who loved to play guitar and sing. He was kind, gentle, and compassionate, and he hated to see others suffer.
"Yeah, but it'll be successful with my love potion!" Piper said confidently.

She held up a small pink bottle. It contained the liquids that Sprout had synthesized for her, using some rare and exotic ingredients.
Sprout was a small and cute boy who loved to grow plants and experiment with them. He was curious, innocent, and naive, and he also followed her orders without question.

"Are you sure they work?" Bea asked nervously.
"Of course they do!" Piper snapped. "Sprout tested them on some animals, right?"
Sprout nodded eagerly.
"Yes! They worked very well! The animals became very friendly with each other!"
He showed them some pictures on his screen, where they could see some rabbits cuddling, some birds kissing, and some cats grooming each other.
"Aww... how cute!" Piper said sarcastically, putting the bottle in her purse.

"This plan will be successful," she said smugly.

She looked at her friends with a wicked smile.

"Are you ready?"

They nodded reluctantly, except for Emz who grinned back at her.
They got up from their table, ready to execute their plan.

First of all, sorry for the long wait, school started and I am kinda busy.
Second: I kindly ask you to stop asking me for updates. It's just really annoying and it doesn't change the fact that neither I do know when the next update will be.
Because of all the pressure, I even thought about discontinue this book, so, please stop or else that would be the only solution I have.
Said that, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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