Chapter 39 - Be there or be sorry

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Emz was on her way to class in the morning, feeling curious and eager. She enjoyed drama and gossip, but there was never anything exciting going on at Brawl High.
Everyone was either too friendly or too focused to stir up any trouble. She was about to walk by Jessie's locker when she noticed something that made her stop.
A pink envelope with a heart sticker on it was poking out of the locker's slot.
Emz recognized the handwriting as Colette's, the infamous stalker who had a crush on every brawler in school. Emz smiled and looked around.
The coast was clear. She quickly snatched the envelope and opened it, and she couldn't belive her eyes. He declared his feelings for Jessie in the letter.

"Hi Jessie,
You're amazing. You have the best sense of humor in the world. You're brilliant, funny and good at brawl ball. I adore you. Do you feel the same way? Maybe we can spend some time together. Just the two of us. How about it?
Your admirer (and hopefully more), Leon"

Emz gasped and felt a thrill of excitement. This was juicy! She had to share it with someone.
She ran to the cafeteria, where her group leader, Piper, was having breakfast.

"Piper, Piper, you won't believe what I got!" Emz said, waving the letter in her hand.
"What is it?" Piper asked, looking bored.
She didn't like Emz very much, but she put up with her because she was good at digging up dirt on other brawlers.
"It's a love letter from Leon to Jessie!" Emz said, giving her the letter.
Piper snatched the letter from her hands and read it. Her eyes widened and then narrowed. She couldn't let them be together.

"What kind of cheesy letter is this?! How could this happen?!"

She immediately ripped the letter to a million pieces, quickly took out a pen and a small pieace of paper.
She pondered for a few seconds, the proceeded to write.

I hope you're ready for tomorrow, because I'm coming for you. You've been asking for this for a long time, and now you're going to get it. You're the most annoying, arrogant, and obnoxious person I've ever met. You make me sick.
Tomorrow, I'm going to show you who's the boss. I'm going to wipe the floor with you. I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget.
You don't stand a chance against me, Jessie. You're weak and pathetic. You're nothing. And after tomorrow, you'll be less than nothing.
So brace yourself, Jessie. Because tomorrow, it's over.

She wrote "P.S. Be there or be sorry." She folded the letter and handed it back to Emz.

"Wow, that's harsh," Emz said, reading the letter. "Why would Leon want to fight Jessie?""He doesn't," Piper said, smirking. "I do. I changed the letter. Now Jessie will think Leon hates her and wants to beat her up. She'll be humiliated and heartbroken." Piper bursted out laughing."Now go and put this letter in Jessie's locker". Emz nodded and went back.

Emz ran back to Jessie's locker and slipped the letter inside. She felt a pang of guilt, but she shrugged it off. She was just following Piper's orders, and besides, it was fun to watch drama unfold. She waited until Jessie came out of her class and walked to her locker. She pretended to be busy with her phone, but she was secretly watching Jessie's reaction. Jessie opened her locker and saw the pink envelope.
She smiled and took it out.
Could it be a love letter?!
She opened it with excitement and read the letter.

Jessie felt a wave of pain and sadness as she read that letter.

How could he do this to her? How could he challenge her to a fight after everything they had been through? He was her best friend, they went trough so much together since the school year started. They had shared so many dreams and memories, so many laughs and tears. They had promised to always be together, to always support each other.

She held the letter to her chest and sobbed, slowly sinking into the ground, her back facing her locker. She didn't want his words to hurt her, but they did. They cut deep into her heart, opening wounds and scars. He had a place in her heart that no one else could fill.

She didn't want to fight him, but she knew she had no choice. He had challenged her, and she couldn't back down, plus the showdown was obligatory. She had to face him.

But this was between her and him. This was personal. This was heartbreaking.
And she wasn't going to hold back.

Her sadness soon turned to anger. How could he do this to her?!

She was going to give him everything she had. She was going to make him feel what she felt.

She wiped away her tears and stood up. She took the letter, threw it in the trash and walked away. She was done with him. Was everything a lie?

She was ready for tomorrow. She was ready for the showdown. She was ready for the final dance.

So come on, Leon. Because tomorrow, it's on.

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