Chapter 22 - Can I help you with this?

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"7.12 seconds, nice, but I'm still first" 

Max and Colette had a friendly rivalry that often brought them to the dorms hallways, where they liked to race each other.
Colette was determined to beat Max someday, even though Max always had the edge. 

"One day I'll beat you! I'm sure about it!" Colette exclaimed, panting after their latest sprint.
"Suuure" Max replied sarcastically, but she was also nervous.
She scanned the hallways for any sign of trouble. She knew they were breaking one of the school rules by running in the hallways, and she didn't want to get in trouble again. 

Last time, she had to ask for an autograph to bribe El Primo who caught them.
Colette had saved them with her quick thinking, but it was a close call.
"What are you so anxious for? I saved us last time" Colette confidently said.
"Yeah but you can't do that again since you already have El Primo's autograph, not to mention it was kinda awkward..." Max said, sitting down next to the wall.
"Well, my objective here is to get the autographs of everyone and to get Jessie and Leon-" Colette stopped herself abruptly, realizing she had said too much. She clamped her hand over her mouth, hoping Max hadn't heard her.

"To get Jessie and Leon what?" Max asked curiously. 

Colette felt a surge of panic. She had just revealed part of her secret plan. 

"Well hehe... look it's so late! We should get back to our rooms!" Max was not convinced.
She sensed that Colette was hiding something from her. 

Something that involved Leon and Jessie. 

She remembered how Leon was angry when asked if he liked Jessie. She wondered what Colette had to do with it. She decided to press on.

"Nope, it's still early and I don't want to go back, anyway would you mind to tell me what is going on with Leon and Jessie?" Colette knew she couldn't escape this time, so she sighed and confessed her whole plan.

"Well... my plan was to make Leon and Jessie a couple since Leon had feelings for Jessie before she became homeschooled, but now that they are together in the same school and dorm I can make my dream come true!"

"WHAT?! Why would you like them to become a couple so bad?"
"First of all, be more quiet. Second, I want to get them together because Leon used to have a crush on Jessie, and judging by his behavior he still does, so I want to make him happy, AndMaybeBecomeHisFriendAndBePopularLikeHimSoThatIWillBeAbleToCollectEverythingAboutEveryone" Colette explained proudly, showing off all the work and researches she did in all these years.

Max was speechless. She knew Colette was pretty much weird and this was the confirmation. But still the idea didn't sound that bad. Maybe she could even help Leon along the way.

"Colette" Max said firmly.

"Can I help you with this?"

Max joined the plan lol.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
Little did they know that someone had listened to their conversation ;)

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