Chp 32- Sub training

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A/N: Merry Christmas everyone!! This year was pure shit but I hope you enjoy your day.

Chp 32

Sub training.

Kevin's POV

"Sooo...." I trailed breathing through my nose "I don't have to learn to say "yes mistress" instead I need to learn not to be scared when you have done something wrong and not question you and I have to always wear the bracelet everyday."

Rose arched a brow as she looked at the sky, we were currently sitting in the park decided to hang out in a place that isn't my room.

"Yes." Rose signed to me, although she could speak, her throat would get extremely sour according to her and she would require a break.

"No whips, no handcuffs, isn't...." I trailed not understanding a thing she just said.

Submissives always had something to do with BDSM but right now I couldn't get it.

"I....." Rose said "You are in a different kind of world, as you said I pick my filter. Therefore it mostly requires the dom to request from the sub. In my world, you decide if you want the kinky kind of sub, the just trust me when i say something sub or the do everything I say sub. I want a sub that will...." She signed "Sta......nd......u...p......for...." She said slowly "themselves. I want you to not question me on some shit and when it comes to the bedroom...."  She looked at me with a raised eyebrow making me blush at the suggestion in her eyes.

"We can go all BDSM, without the 'yes mistress' shit." She signed looking at the grass.

"Do we have boundaries?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I don't require much, when you and me say stop, we stop. Obviously am ok with a little BDSM but am not into it." She said "it is usually a must in my world."


"No lies." She said before looking at me like she was waiting for me to object.

"No safe word?"

"You seem to want to be a kinky kind of sub."

I blushed deeply before shaking my head, because it just feels and is definitely weird.

"Um...ok." I uttered " I do have questions as well."

Rose blinked twice before looking at me with a curious twitch of her lip to show her interest in what I had just suggested.

"What do you mean by messanger?" I asked "In this whatever we have don't you think honesty should be the best option?"

Rose smiled a little, closing her eyes and running her hand through her hair like she couldn't help herself at all.

"What is the purpose of a messanger?" She asked in sign language making me blink for a while.

"To deliver." I answered.

"There you have it."

"So if I asked you to deliver a message for someone, would you?" I asked with a little disbelief laced in my tone that I believe Rose picked up on before looking at me in interest.

"Who?" She said making me inhale in disbelief but I decided to humor her for awhile.

"My parents." I said laying down on my back and looking at the sky in silence for awhile "Tell them, why did they choose to leave me in an arcade. I was just a child."

Rose didn't say anything at all causing me to peak my eye open to see her looking at me for a second then she stood up.

"" she mumbled before walking ahead without waiting for me at all. I stood up dusting off any grass strands on me quickly walking up to her to stand by her side.

I was thinking we were going to some serious place but my eyes widened when I saw a gym come up.

"Rose." I said but it came out as a whine "Gym? Why today though?"

Rose turned to look at me with a chiding look one would give their own child making me smirk sheepishly.

"Come on, does it look like I would survive one push up?" I asked pointing at my body trying everything I can to exercise.

There was no way I was going to sleep with aching muscles, I have watched those movies and although they are life learning, they are definitely not what I want but there are motivating.

In short, I rather watch than do the gym stuff, some people were just good at one thing instead of two things at mine was books.

Rose rolled her eyes before walking over to me until her face was in mine, nose brushing mine as she inhaled and exhaled. She kissed me making my eyes widen for a second before I responded as she licked my lower lip and took advantage of my gasp by throwing her tognue with mine, I couldn't keep up with the shivers and my mind in blank shook that I couldn't recover from.

I couldn't continue because she moved away from me with a smirk.

"You want more? Follow me." She signed "Kevin."

I froze hearing my name from her lips for the first time, I swallowed thickly looking at her as she walked ahead of me like she didn't say that, like she didn't utter anything that would affect me. I could be dramatic but I swear she was moving her hips much more slower almost seductive without showing.

I inhaled before following her to began punishing my body with pain because instead of whips this was her definition of sub training.

A sub who never questioned her unbelievable acts on life, a sub who knows how to throw a punch or two, a sub who definitely didn't need to be a burden in questioning.

This is foreign to me but this is Rose, a girl who barely cared about anyone.

Instead of safe words she wanted me to learn to keep myself safe from harm without getting myself beat up to the pain until I couldn't walk.

I just hoped I was enough to pass this test.

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