Chp 25-Albino Angel in my room

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Chp 25

Albino Angel in my room

Kevin's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about today.

Why would Rose walk past me like that?

Even though she was bored, a simple "hello" wouldn't kill a bored looking person. It just didn't make sense at all.

I was supposed to be sleeping but here I was stuck between what Rose said and what Mrs Smith warned me about.

What was I going to do about this issue?

I barely even knew the answer myself. I decided to focus on the case, my homeworks and studying till my brain felt extremely raw. 

I paced a little before walking to look my room door. I didn't want people throwing themselves in here like they owned it.

Sure, it's their house but it's my room.

As soon as I locked a rush of wind came through and I shivered before turning around. My window was open, I thought I closed that hours ago.

I sighed before going to close it. Preparing myself to sleep but when I turned around I pumped into something that even made me groan.

I looked up before freezing on the spot.



She's here. In my room.

My heart beat increased as I tried to bring myself together into one piece by standing up and dusting myself off. My mouth felt dry and I wanted to shout and scream my problems to her.

She was wearing pure military clothes for some reason and I wondered why she does that but she always does weird things so I wouldn't question that at all.

"Rose?" I whispered once I found my voice "What are you doing here?"

Instead of replying she walked around my room literally touching the walls there including the pictures.

I didn't even know what to say. My mouth opened then closed on it's own.

After her little tour, she walked on to my bed taking off her shoes then she made herself comfortable on my bed.

My heart felt like it was going to fly out of it's ribcage as the Angel that has been bothering me for hours looked at me.

The angel that made me go through a lot to just get her to talk. An albino Angel that ignored me this morning like thin air was currently in my room.

She was in my room, sitting in my room and watching me with those eyes.

Gosh those eyes.

Her face.

She just looked at me while comfortably resting under my sheets.

I breathed in and out loudly before walking to the other side of the bed. Switching off the lights, I swallowed as I entered the covers watching the ceiling like it was the most memorable thing including much more attractive but it was a lie that even I knew that.

The bed dipped a little making me turn to look at Rose who was watching me.

"You're angry?" She signed to me making me look away for a minute before looking at her.

"Why didn't you greet me today?" I whispered "At the garden?"

Rose blinked at me before sinking a little deeper in the sheets.

"I enter your house like this?" She signed "and you ask me why I didn't greet you?"

I sighed.

"Rose, Please." I said.

"I was too lazy to sign something. My eyes are messangers and I delivered the message to you." She sighed making me farrow my brows.


"Ok at least you're not mad or anything." I mumbled to her making the both of us enter nothing but silence.

Mrs Smith's words flew into my mind and I swallowed.

Who is Rose? And What does Mrs Smith know about her?

I didn't like the fact that I was clueless. I thought back on the time she passed me like I was nothing. The hint of her Rose scent is now in my sheets.

The pain from earlier subdued to a controllable minimum as I watched her. She actually sighed something to me and she wasn't angry.

Our faces were close. Nose brushing against each other.

No words were spoken and I know I shouldn't. I Know I shouldn't even think about it but I did anyway. I got closer, just a little closer as those eyes watched me curiously.

I swallowed before pecking her just a little bit on her lips watching as they parted before closing. Her lips were dry but soft.

The first lips I have ever kissed.

I didn't Know how or when but soon we were cuddling. I was wrapping my arms around her as she laid her head on my chest.

It was just right. Her body fit perfectly with mine.

Everything felt ok because it wasn't just an albino in my room.

It was an angel that was in my room.

My angel.

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