Chp 4- The rich-estate

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The sexy twins....( Cella and Marcella)

Chp 4

The rich-estate.

Rose's POV

After me staring at the small town and Jung driving slowly just to piss off Justin who had twitching eyes and silently huffing and puffing of cheeks the car finally came to a stop.

Jung didn't even wait for us nor tell us to leave the car, he just stood up and left causing everyone to copy him.

I sat in the car for a few minutes silently savouring the silence without the yapping mother fuckers that I would have to see everyday like I have since forever. I even wondered if I could sleep in here periodically.

After debating on just staying in the car cause I felt like it. I decided to leave only to find the trucks unloading the guards that were running inside with heavy armor and weapons at a very fancy house and for some reason I frowned.

I didn't know small towns had such fancy, classy, well cut grass, huge double garage and a sensory gated houses. In all honestly I was silently thinking that Jung was taking us to a medium house but knowing him I knew that he had expensive bad boy taste.

I watched the sky bored out of my mind. As the servants or rather the slaves ran inside the house along side the guards to probably prepare or dust off shit that barely or wasn't even there.

"Yo." A voice said behind me making me blink slowly without interest "Yo, Rose?"

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond instead I turned around to find everyone looking at me. Everyone except Jung of course.

I raised an eyebrow before looking at the sky yet again.

Why would I want to look at people who didn't interest me in any way?

"Soooo," Marcella said "How you feeling? You were silent on the ride..."

Since when do we care about each other? We didn't, heck we don't.

"Yeah." Cella agreed "we would love you to at least try to talk to us even though you prefer silent language."

"Yeah Rosie....Rose." Justin said as I looked over. Looking straight at the three people that tried to interact with me noticing how the twins including Justin moved uncomfortably at my gaze.

"No." I used sign language before going into said fancy house. The passing guards and slaves made a path for me as I passed through.

I knew we had caught some attention from the new neighbors. I didn't even care right now but I could use something rather sweet to eat.

I walked around the house catching sight of a pool larger than a regular pool. Beautiful flowers blooming on the garden before I went inside the house.

Talk about modern. 

The pictures were already on the walls, pictures of us looking like models as if we were everyone's dream family. The frames were either rectangular or in a circle shape.

I rolled my eyes before going to the fancy kitchen for a quick snack which manly consistent of yogurt and biscuits. Once I was finished I looked around noticing that the guards were hovering around the place.

Some of them were inside whilst some of them were outside standing formally and blank faced as I rose an eyebrow at that.

Shaking my head slightly at that. I went upstairs and to my surprise Jung already had our names written on the doors so that we wouldn't be confused about anything.

Names written in gold.

My room was at the far corner and I walked there with narrowed eyes not trusting what Jung had picked since he never confirmed with me.

I opened the door only to find a particular girl guard with a lean body and short blond hair standing there. Her green eyes meet mine before she beamed and winked then she threw herself on my damn bed like she owned the room.

Said room was a creme coloured and had a comfy couch along with a flat screen surrounded by heavy speakers.

"Rose?" I looked over at Asnath who was smirking at me "you look bored does anything interest you?"

I gave her a deadpanned look making her chuckle like she knew I was going to say no. Nevertheless to say Asnath was my secret friend around here. We met through difficult circumstances.

Nobody knows though.

This family was not sweet to people you choose to be near with. In fact they were eliminated.

"Sooo....wanna do something fun?" She asked making me tilt my head curiosly "ugh I wish you could talk but it's been so long. Anyways. I was thinking we could have a girl beer and cigarette partyyyy consisting of pleasure and metal rock musicccc."

"Am in. Bring on the booze. Turn on the best" I signed to her with my hands making her smirk while taking of my shirt.

Yeah. I had School tomorrow but where is the fun if am going there sober and aware of the people surrounding me.

I have never been to a high school before but this will be interesting and fun. Besides high schoolers are so obsessed with appearance so much and I have an issue with that.

Let's hope they can handle that.

A girl that didn't give two fucks, a girl that will bring a little bit of disaster in the school.

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