Chp 5- The purple eyed albino angel

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Kevin's adoptive parents (Nemesis and Adam Callum)

Chp 5

The purple eyed albino angel.

Kevin's POV

"Have a nice day in school my beautiful babies." Nemesis cooed as she watched all of us leave her car while she uncontrollable threw us invisible kisses.

The twins groaned and to my surprise Kaden and Kadet drew a line in Orange and black marker over their heads so I knew which one was which.

I didn't really think they would go on with such an act but I admit that it helped me.

I already met the girls yesterday at dinner and gosh they are so talkative.

Karen was the beautiful brown skinned girl who I noted is talkative and has a positive attitude around her.

Katie is the brown haired girl that almost has a gothic aura around herself. She wasn't that talkative but rather observant. A lot of things annoyed her too.

The girls accepted and agreed to follow my own lame schedule. I was starting to worry that perhaps an being too rough.

I normally wake up earlier so I made breakfast for everyone. I told nemesis that I had to go to school early so I volunteered to walk but she scoffed and went to wake up everyone telling them to eat quickly.

The girls just accepted their mother's cooes before Nemesis left me standing there uncomfortably.

"Is the school even open?" Katie asked in disbelief "I don't think it is.''

"It is you negative droll, it's just empty let's go." Karen said as she dragged a complaining Katie who was mumbling something about being too early and wasted food including sleep.

I was used to this. In fact I was friends with a certain librarian who I knew is probably waiting for me in the building of the school.

I just don't get why students are not earlier than the teacher, it's good attendance plus it gains you favour with the other teachers.

"Yo, don't mind Katie." Kaden said with a shrug "I don't mind coming here early just for you ya know."

I swallowed uncomfortably at that sentence.

"Sooo.... you wanna hang out before going to class or before students come to flood the school?"

"I have to be somewhere in about six minutes." I said looking at them with an apology in my eyes "I can't really break my schedule."

"Well, see you around?" Kadet mumbled sadly.

"Maybe after school...we can do something." I mumbled as I looked at my watch.

I didn't have a lot of time left.

I had to leave now or I will be a minute or two late.

"Cool." Kaden said with a bright smile causing me to turn and walk towards the school. Once I was out of view I ran to the library not wanting to be super late at all.

Once I opened the door... I saw Mrs Smith looking up with a small smile. I quickly checked my watch sighing in relief when I noticed am not late.

"Well, you look like you ran a marathon." Mrs Smith mumbled before laughing at her own personal joke.

"Sorta. Good morning." I greeted as I hugged her.

Mrs Smith was a thirty two year old woman with dark black hair and brown eyes with a body that looked like a teenager's.

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