Chp 13- Unforgettable moment

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Chp 13

Unforgettable moment.

Kevin's POV

I lay there trying to process what just happened.

Students passed by in speed mode some even stepping on me making me immediately stand up and run to the library ignoring the stupid shouts and long lines to go to the bathroom.

As soon as I was out of sight from all the students I breathed out slowly digesting what happened.

A girl who looked so sweet and without a hint of muscles was the one who actually did that. Physically she looked like she could be broken but after what I witnessed, I definitely knew that physical appearance was actually a lie.

She had bags under her eyes and she looked ready to pass out. I felt a blush of embarrassment spread through my cheeks thinking of how I looked there.

I shook my head as I entered the library only to find Mrs Smith pacing and when she saw me she sighed peacefully.

"I thought your new siblings took you away... again." She said with an eye roll.

"It didn't happen." I said trying to act like what happened didn't happen at all "So errr... what's with the students?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked curiosly "What's happening with them?"

"Well, you could say, the toilet is going to be blocked soon." I murmured making her snort before laughing.

"This is why I don't and I mean don't eat from the cafeteria. Those women could make things that even shock you." She said with a disapproving frown.

"Doesn't matter." I answered walking over to the table so I could throw my bag on the floor "Today was just wonderful."

"That sounded like a way if saying 'Today wasn't a good day' what even happened?" She said coming over to where I was sitting.

"You don't wanna know." I mumbled trying to forget the shame that spread through me.

Did the girl take karate lessons or something?

Why was she so good at fighting?

Maybe it's because their father taught them self defense considering how famous he apparently is.

Thankfully Mrs Smith let it pass and talked about a new guy she was apparently seeing. I couldn't believe how quick she was to move on though but at least she wasn't falling into a depressed woman who would have sulked all day.

I briefly wondered if she loved her old lover.

After lunch time I went to class and it was a little empty. Half of the class was not even here, and those who were here left saying they needed to use the bathroom.

Mr Legend seemed annoyed by the interruption but he wasn't the only teacher that seemed annoyed.

Basically we didn't even do much but watch as students came and left the class to attend to their issues in the bathroom and that gave me time, time for the mind to travel back to what it wasn't supposed to think about.

How could I face her again after what happened?

Am sure she's laughing at how I can't even defeat a guy who was slightly taller than me.

Sure I had an acceptable height but that didn't mean I was strong physically.

Rose as I believe one of her twin sister's said was her name, she looked so vulnerable and so weak but she knew exactly how to fight.

After School ended I went to say my final goodbyes to Mrs Smith ignoring how students still waited on the bathroom lines.

This time instead of Nemesis, Adam was the one waiting in the car and I felt uncomfortable talking to him. He looked like a serious man and I was barely alone with him anyways.

I swallowed but irregardless went and sat at the back seat and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey, Kev." He said making me shrug at the nickname "Where are the others."

"I think the toilet."

He snorted "why the toil--"

"We are right here." Karen's voice said in a high pitched tone as the the others joined in.

"Ok, let's go." He said before starting the car and driving out of the school and at the corner of my eyes, I saw Rose's family yelling furiously at their phones and that reminded me of what happened today so I looked away noticing everyone moving uncomfortably in their seats.

Kadet and Kaden looked embarrassed making sure to avoid eye contact with me at all costs.

"Dad hurry back home! I ate something that didn't seat right!" Katie shouted as her stomach made weird noises.

Adam's eyes widened in fear as he increased the speed.

"Hold it in. Don't shit on my damn car!" He shouted making me bite my lip to resist laughing.

This day has been so weird, slightly terrible but unforgettable considering the fact that this never happened before.

No one dared paint the walls and food accidents has never occurred before.

Definitely unforgettable.

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