Chp 8- Someone interesting

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The sexy....(Justin)

Chp 8

Someone interesting.

Rose's POV

"Oh Rose, this is a pleasant surprise." The person I called said while looking at me through the screen.

"You busy?" I signed to him making him shake his head with a small frown.

"Not really, what's up?"

"I need research done on a certain someone..."

"Any certain references?"

"Green eyes." I answered making him nod as the screen got black. I licked my upper teeth before walking slowly to the bed but the door flew open.

I looked at Asnath who was panting.

"Jung is trying to kill me." She groaned "Today we did some rough exercises."

"It's your job." I deadpanned and she laughed with a nod.

"Yeah. Jung said something about  lunch time in five minutes, something he wishes to talk about."

I sighed forgetting my sleep for awhile. I opened the door to find a lingerie dressed slave standing there shyly.

I just nodded and indicated that she should leave and she responded by running away.

I walked to the dining room slowly finding everyone there already. I sat down slowly before looking up.

"Cool, so everyone is here." Jung said with a nod "it's not a meeting."

"Then why are we here?" Demanded Jonathan with an annoyed look.

"Yeahhhh." Justin trailed as he looked at Jung suspiciously under his eye lashes.

"We are having an early family dinner." Jung deadpanned as he crossed his arms over his chest "knowing all of you, which I do. Y'all were going to stay in your room. So yeah." Which was weird. He was definitely up to something.

"Since when do we have a family dinner?" Marcella asked in shock.

We didn't even show each other that we cared. We were one of those families that pretended the other person in the household was unimportant but in all honesty they were.

"Since now." Jung deadpanned before sitting at the head of the table. He started serving himself causing everyone to look at each other uncomfortably but that only lasted for a few minutes because we all started eating.

"What does a high schooly look like?" Jonathan asked with clear curiosity in his voice.

"It's full of girls bro." Justin said while wiggling his eyebrows and that only made my thoughts return to a certain green eyed boy "a sea of them."

It was actually fascinating that I thought about someone for this long. I won't lie when I say his beauty is attractive.

I was interested on why he used a tissue to hold a fork.

Why he was wearing gloves.

I wanted to know why. And when I find something interesting I always get through it like a professional.

"The teachers are so demanding. The building is huge and there are red lockers around including many classes." Cella filled in.

"There are different people inside. It's like different cultures coming together in one place to meet and greet each other with smiles. It's a horrible place." Marcella added in the end "I have homework."

"You better do it bitch." Jung snapped "father wants to see the damn results."

I zoned out after that. Pssht.

They were pretending to have casual talks but in all honesty it was pure uncomfortable regardless of the disgust in their voice.

I got homework too but I ain't doing it. That's so boring.

Instead I had a certain plan and it involved getting up early tomorrow.

I can't wait to put what I thought to plan and action.

I Know the principal will thank me.

"Rose?" I heard before blinking and looking at Everyone for a second then I looked away before chewing the lasagna on my fork that I noticed was halfway to my mouth "how was school?"

I put my fork down.

"Fine." I signed before drinking my juice.

"Just fine?" Jonathan asked and I threw a quick smile his way making him smile wider. Apparently everyone caught on the act and gave Jonathan a look.

"It was huge, there were people. I hate people but you could say things will turn out interesting I guess." I answered Jonathan who nodded. That's the longest I had used sign language. I normally keep to myself.

It was quite after that. Once done I left the rest and went to my room.

Asnath wasn't there apparently so that gave me the perfect time to plan my idea.

My phone rang after an hour and I picked it up.

"Rose." Reiner said. I didn't say anything but I knew he knew that I was listening to every single word.

"I found him," he said "His name is....."

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