Chp 24- First Mission

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Chp 24

First Mission

Rose's POV

I rolled the pen in between my fingers while looking around the living room, I was watching Everyone suspiciously.

The reason we are all stuck together even though that's the last thing we really want to do.... it's because of Xavier, nooo wait father.

After our monthly meeting with him, he immediately told Jung what he wanted. He always communicates with Jung and all we get it's some stupid assignment written on a piece of paper and that can tend to be annoying.

The missions we get go accordingly with the the kind of strength we possess.

The twins who were currently dressed in red and white were babbling about next week's upcoming cheerleading event. It made me wonder if the twins are as close as they looked together. Just because they look close might not mean they truly are, things can be confusing.

Jonathan was running a hand through his hair looking throughout annoyed at even stepping room in this part of the house. Justin was eagerly pressing his phone.

This is soooo boring.

What can someone ask for to bring excitement in life? Anything besides being Mafia related with people with constipated emotions.

Finally Jung came in with an envelope. His hair all over like he was running a hand through it, his clothes was a faded Jean and a tuck in shirt.

"Ok listen up everyone." He said waving the envelope around "This is a mission thing."

"You're so specific I love that." Jonathan said rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Shut up old man." Jung fired back watching Jonathan's eyebrow twitch and I wouldn't stop him from attacking Jung.

Annoying bastard.

"Dude, just talk. We have places and friends including some sexy Mamas to be around and I prefer that over you stress makers." Justin said.

"Are we that annoying Justin?" Marcella asked while flipping her hair over her shoulders.

"Yes. You are." Justin sneered.

"Don't sneer at my sister, you piece of rubbish shit." Cella said stepping close.

"Can we just listen to this fool Jung?" Jonathan said with a bored sigh.

"Shut up!" Cella said "You wanna repeat that Justin?"

"I don't think you're that stupid." Justin said putting his phone away.

"Hah!" Marcella said and before I knew it a fight was breaking through. I turned my eyes to Jung who was watching the scene with a smirk like he accomplished his greatest desire. He even closed his eyes before inhaling like he liked it when we fought like tiny babies.

I turned to the scene before me. Standing up, I went to the kitchen with awareness that he was watching me. I took a bucket filled it with ice and water, then I walked to the living room and I splashed the water on my bickering siblings who all gasped.

Jung looked at me annoyed. Like he didn't want me to stop the fight.... probably didn't want me to because he was naturally born an asshole.

"You mute bitch!" Justin said loudly.

"What's your problem huh bitch?!" The twins sneered. The three of them taking steps towards me but Jonathan came in front of me.

"Unless you all forgot. You're submissives....get it you submit. We are not your little punching bags. Touch Rose and I will burn you alive." He said with a deep angry voice that caused all three of them to step back while looking away.

This is the reason why we don't sit together like a normal family. We end up fighting and sometimes guns can be involved in the fight.

"Ok." Jung decided to say "Now that everyone is done behaving like children. We can began."

He put the envelope up in the air.

"This is for Rose." He said making me blink in annoyance.

Of course.

He chooses me behind his stupid schemes.

Jung came over and gave me my envelope ignoring the fact that Jonathan was staring at him like a corpse if he touched me.

I took it flipping it around before opening my mouth then closing it. My eye twitched in anger as I flipped whatever words were in the envelope.

Why can't he be a fucking nice father?

I was aware everyone was watching. I whispered a curse, my eye twitching more as I searched my phone, it wasn't there.

Damn it.

I scratched my head... looking at the envelope before looking up at Jonathan who looked worried.

"You're ok? Right?" He asked, his hair wet and sticking to his clothes and face.

I looked at him for a minute. Raising my head to brush his cheek for a minute, his skin soft before pulling away and offered a small smile. He smiled back.

"You Know where to find me." He said running a hand through my hair "I know what missions turn you into. Once in it's difficult for you to come back."

With that he left as I licked my upper teeth. Walking into my room leaving behind those fools.

Once I was in my room I took my phone not bothering to open the envelope.

I dialed a number before putting the phone on my ear. It rang twice before a deep authorative voice filled the other side.

"Princess?"  He asked like he didn't know what the problem was.

I didn't speak.

Xavier sighed.

"Rose. It's a simple mission." He said just as I removed the phone from my ear hearing the words that made me want to slap him even more.

"Remember am always here for you. You're my daughter. I love you Rose." I dropped the call before taking the envelope.

I ripped it apart opening it to read the words inside.

Police, good for the economy
What happens behind closed scenes is a mystery
But once you owe a king, you have to pay the price you have made.
Lay on your bed."

I knew what it meant. I knew what it meant I should be doing at this moment.

Sighing I went to my walk in closet to change and accomplish my first Mission.

It was only 9 pm.

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