Chp 2- New town, New boredom

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The beautiful, always bored albino cobra above (Rose William)

Chp 2

New town, New boredom.

Rose's POV

"I want to go to Europe!!!" Cella said with a huge whine.

"No! I want New York. New York is filled with hot men!!" Marcella sneered at her own twin like she was seconds away from slapping her.

"I want Paris, it is said that the girls are always half naked!!" Justin said with an eye roll, his green eyes flickering with anger as a smirk played around his lips.

"How about never." Jung's deep voice filled and silenced everyone, his voice laced with irritating as he played with the steering wheel "We already know that we are going to Cliffs, whether they have hot men or women." It was tone that screamed for no arguments.

"What the fuck is Cliffs?!" Demanded Jonathan angrily "There is no such thing as Cliffs!!"

"For once I agree with the old man." Cella huffed receiving an angry scoff from Jonathan.

I was just sitting in the black 4X4 literally bored outta my mind. My name is Rose William and I have five annoying siblings that turned discussions into arguments.

The twins known as Marcella and Cella looked alike in face, body including the sounds of their voice. They both had dark brown hair that had a darker shade of both black and brown, their eyes were a light soft brown with pale skin and full pink lips. The twins almost had everything in common, clothing wise. Honestly they we're two spoiled brats that loved bathing in money, they loved being admired by many people and they had the queen aura which annoyed me. Being around them makes you feel poor almost like you are a peasant with the way the boost about what they have. In short they are those girls who always say ''I will tell my Daddy, he is rich". They were not talk at all actually instead they were 5'9 but according to their heels they are 6'8.

Then there was Jung who was a a korean teenager with a nasty temper. He had pink lips that almost looked like he put lip gloss on them, his hair was dyed a dark blue and skin pale that was decorated with a lot of unnecessary tattoos. Jung never smiled nor laughed unless he knew something that could bring you down, he barely talks unless his stupid lips want to release nasty, downgrading words at you. Jung gave off a dominant aura with just one look, he bathed in the fear of others. He is an isolated freak, heavy with muscles.

Justin was a toned guy with green eyes and full lips, and he had dark black hair that represented night itself and just like Jung, he also got the unnecessary tattoos. Justin was the player type of guy, he didn't care about anything but the pleasures of this World basically he only wanted to have fun.

Then lastly there was Jonathan who had long dark hair that reached his waist, he was the oldest among us and he had blue eyes that were currently filled with annoyance and am guessing he took what Cella said into his heart. Jonathan was not bad, he is talkative to those he likes and he isn't isolated at all instead he loves to not have the attention on him. 

Why does he care so much about people saying mean things about him anyways?

We were the Williams but we didn't share blood not even the same race nor language, maybe that's why they kept arguing like children who lost their candy. I on the other hand didn't give a flying fuck what happened.

I didn't care that they were arguing about, I don't care where we go either. I don't care about what people say about me unlike Jonathan who was killing Cella with his ocean eyes.

If you care a lot, that could lead to an obsession that destroys you. No wonder kids who were bullied fell on their knees and tried killing themselves.

All because of caring about what some stupid insecure idiot had to say. All that mattered was how you viewed yourself.

Is not like society pays your bills right? If you're not dependent on them and they don't value you then fuck all of them.

What's so amazing about arguments anyways?

I took a light drink of my beer ignoring the fact that I was stuck with five idiots in the car. I already knew that two trucks were following behind us, one carrying the guards who dad highly recommended and the other carrying what I would call drudges which was another word for slaves or servant.

I watched as we passed random homes, we even passed some children playing around and I finally enjoyed the silence that I knew would be broken sooner or later because the William siblings are never peaceful, sometimes we fight ruthlessly. 

"Cliffs is a town, a town that is not that noticed. They are very far behind in many things, such as" Jung informed after a few minutes of occasional coughs and clearing of throats "This is where father sent us for some unknown reason. He said we have to lay low."

"How do you think I will survive?" Cella demanded angrily "I need updated fashionable clothing. I will lose my fabulous followers on Facebook, Instagram, twit--"

"I don't care." deadpanned Jung "The whole point is that none of you should do anything to display our secret no matter which enemy you create or see. Just throw punches at them or something, we don't know which Mafia rogue might be hiding here or maybe an entire mobster branch."

"Well thanks for pointing out the obvious." Justin chided "Can you increase the speed? I want to get outta here, my ass hurts."

"No." Jung deadpanned again, as if to make a point he drove even slower making Cella, Marcella including Jonathan to throw Justin an irritated look to which he pouted and shrugged off.

"Anyways, dad said Cella, Marcella including Justin and Rose should attend a school.'' he said pausing to snicker wickedly probably about to say something insulting "probably saw how stupid you all were."

"How come you don't go?!" Justin demanded with an offensive tone  "you're only eighteen."

"You know why." Jung snapped "Stop acting like children. This is one of the reasons high school will mend you, maybe then will you act like matured man and woman."

I guess that should have offended me but unfortunately, I know am smart. I didn't need some lame paper to prove that shit.

An A doesn't determine my future, damn the richest people quit School, all you need is a vision and not a lazy, procrastinating mouth.

"High school is actually hell." Marcella said with a sigh "I don't like doing homeworks nor being in some love triangle drama." She said dramatically.

"Doesn't matter." Jung said sounding purely annoyed at our presence "Y'all going. Now shut up and let peace flow in this car for once."

I blinked slowly, looking around the car in boredom. A high school will only increase my boredom to a high rate but at least I don't have to sit home all day.

School is nothing but drama that I have no interest in. There's nothing interesting about the bad boy dating the good girl, or the good girl that turned into a bad girl all of a sudden or the Jock that adores a girl no one knows by name or some homophobic jerks that can't accept their gayness, there's nothing interesting about entering class and sitting down for one hour. There's nothing interesting in well, anything.

Life is so boring.

People get excited over things that don't even make any kind of sense to me in any way.

The car ride was now silent as everyone sulked in their car seats. I took another drink of my beer hoping that this Cliffs town wasn't as boring as the other places we have been. 

Everything was such a bore. It's only a new place that could lead to nothing but boredom. I would know.

Why was Life so boring anyways?

I wish I knew.

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