Chp 36- History of cobras

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Chp 36

History of cobras.

Kevin's POV

I felt dizzy and tired at the same time. I lost track of the time, I have been in here given bread and soup. Everytime I thought of the reasons why I had hated adoption, cursing myself for actually falling for their act.

Look at me now, here on the ground, heaving, no one had visited me except the camera right near the door which suddenly opened making me sit straight resisting the urge to vomit.

The twins entered wearing fancy suits, with Karen and..... My mouth went dry.

A girl I recognized to be Rose's other sister.... One of the twins but I couldn't identify her since I was clueless on who was who but according to my research it was either Cella or Marcella.

I stared wide eyed telling myself Rose would never do this to me, that it is only her sister and not her at all. That she liked me a bit and so much that she would never do such a thing.

"Hello baby." Kaden whispered making me cringe "oh don't be like that."

The twin was dressed in a black outfit from head to toe but military style with her hand on Karen's butt which made me realize they are much more than friends.

"Let me just." Kadet snapped his fingers and four people dressed in aprons looking dirty and worn out came inside carrying four chairs that looked worthy of royalty. They all sat down and I tried hard not to shout at them all.

I was everything I feared now, dirty, unhealthy and oh my God Mrs Smith.

"You just had to do it." Whispered Kadet folding his leg over the other "You just had to chase that.....that girl... The messanger of all people."

Kaden chuckled at my surprised face "Oh you we know more than you, Cella wanna do the honors?"

Oh it was Cella?

Cella stood up clearing her throat "See, there is a man called Xavier his background is shitty but unfortunately earning money the right way it's a burden to everyone, instead they play dirty. We are not his real children, his bitchy wife cannot bear any so he randomly picked us up. See there is more than you know, there are more."

It was silent for a couple of seconds.


As if reading my mind Cella said "Yes more, I'm talking about more mafias, unfortunately cobras is on top of the fucking billboard charts. Each Mafia crew has to have twins to be Assassins, a ghost, a messanger, a heir and lastly a destroyer. See it requires six people yes. Xavier had seven, my first sub to ever exist we don't talk about him no, he was my everything but incest was a sin and boom daddy dear killed him and I will bring down his knees! Tobias was my everything, and he knew that so he took him away from me!! He even cheated his way to the top. See he needed alliance, in the beginning tigers were on top and Xavier used that to his advantage!!" She shouted the last part before laughing "And what better way than Rose's sub?"

I clutched my bracelet. So that's why there are twins. I felt sick.

"But...." Kadet whispered standing up "You will only be free from this place if you become ours."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Us? Choose us?" Kaden stood up as well making my eyes widen at what they meant.

No way!

I backed away which seemed to anger them both.

"Oh please!!" Kadet suddenly roared as Cella winked at me blowing me a kiss as she left with Karen who barely looked at me nor said anything, I noticed she had her head down and she also had a bracelet "We are better than her!"

"A messanger? Assassins are much more better and worthy in our world. The world of sin, Xavier is a bad man Kevin, he murdered people, the history of cobras is bloody and ugly. Did you not hear Cella that man killed her sub so he had to take another which is our dad." Kaden said gently "Rose murdered your poor mom and dad."

The revelation made me swallow.

"Mrs Smith?" Kadet laughed "Is part of them, we are stopping the cruel and once the tigers rule again, things will be better. Xavier cheated his way to fame through our father."

"Father?" I whispered confusedly through my eyes were heavy. All of this was hard to adjust to including the honesty.

Rose was in a gang, a huge one by the sounds of it that gang wasn't the only one that was so well known and feared to the bone by people.

Adam? I realized if Adam wasn't their father like they'd said in the beginning.... Who was he?

"See you've forgotten, we've once known each other but you were tiny and naive back then with your abusive shitty parents, I guess your body is resisting the memory. We met through kindergarten where you stupidity confessed to love us, see except we were older and understood each word. When you left we haunted you down and moved here, for you to fulfill that love promise you had given us." Kaden explained making me cringe.

"Adam was just one of our guards see, each Mafia crew have those including servants that bastard was owing Xavier information it is a shame that he was murdered."

That's why they didn't seem burdened by his death.

"When we noticed you and that Cobra girl getting too close we had to do something, Cella was the key, we are almost near cracking the entire Cobra. You have two more days to think things through hehehe we will mate after that as in have sex." Kaden whispered without an ounce of remorse as my eyes widened in disbelief.

"That Rose girl didn't tell you this?" Kadet whispered "We missed your innocent face and we are glad you still have it. We tried making you like us but you Just couldn't." With that said Kadet left.

I glanced at Kaden who looked at me with a smirk before he left. Once the door closed the fear settled in, it was all an act, they were not a family.


All of it were lies.

I vomited before collapsing.

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