Chp 28- Mystery friend

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Chp 28

Mystery friend.

Kevin's POV

"Breath me." She signed making my mind literally blank for a couple of seconds as I tried to interpret what that could actually mean.

Breath me?

As in I should inhale her perfume or was it something with a complete different meaning to it.

Slightly clueless I just settled to hug her which she immediately responded to by not placing her arms around me like I was expecting instead she just buried her head into my chest.

I fought that blush that threatened to bloom as she pulled her face away slowly before looking around for a minute then after a straight silent minute of looking at me she turned and left making me sigh as I realized that she might be closing off herself again.

Rubbing my neck I went back to Mrs Smith only to stop for a minute.

Have I been completely focused so much on making Rose my friend that I forgot little details?

Like the fact that she once entered my room without someone letting her in.

How did she even do that?

How did she even Know I was in the library?

Was she spying on me?

Not that am complaining but it's so strange.

"I enter your house like this...." I still remember those words. I'II just ask her the next time I see her because honestly Rose can disappear if she wants to and she might not feel bad or terrible for it.

Sighing I went to Mrs Smith noticing how she jerked awake looking around quickly but only for a minute or two before she looked at me yawning whilst putting a hand on her mouth.

"Oh no. I kept you didn't I?" She mumbled almost guilty.

"It's ok." I said "You did not sleep as long as I had hoped you would actually."

"Oh so now you want to be a class bunker." She said narrowing her eyes at me "Don't even think of being a bad boy."

"What's wrong with that?" I almost whined "Don't you want me to be cool? Sheesh what kind of friend are you?"

"The one that extremely likes intelligent nerdy Kevin. Thank you very much." She said sassily "am hungry."

I groaned before joining her on the table for a simple meal.

The rest of my lessons where mostly spent with Mrs Smith complaining about every single thing she could think of and me being physically present but emotionally in wonderland.

Snakes are to kill only.....


Rose's words kept echoing in my head that even made me curious of her voice. I haven't asked if this was something she was born with but either way I totally didn't mind even if it is something she was born with.

After school came and I bind Mrs Smith goodbye as I went outside of the crowded school.

"Ayo!" A voice said loudly behind me making me jump a little and I turned to find Kadet wide eyed with a bored looking Kaden "Sorry."

"It's fine." I said trying to calm my fast beating heart the best way I possibly could.

"Soooo....." Kaden said not looking Happy at all "I saw you today.... holding a girl's hand."

My cheeks flushed red and for a minute I swallowed.

"I mean she's my friend." I said slowly trying to play it off or rather make them forget the topic itself which was better.

"Only a friend?" Kadet asked slowly.

"Yup?" I answered but it sounded like a question with how slowly I dragged it out.

I saw Adam's car and went towards it with the twins still interviewing me.

"Can we meet her?" Kadet asked.

"Meet who now?" Adam butted in making me mentally scream. I like this part of my life to be extremely private instead of it being out there like a daily news report.

"Kevin's girlfriend." Kaden sneered making my eyes widen a little.

"Girlfriend?" I asked "What no."

"Keeping your mystery friend a secret are we?" Adam chuckled just as the girls entered the car "Either way we will still be waiting."

"Waiting for what? Katie asked.

Oh nooooooo.


Kinda feel like deleting this story. Anyways please let me know what you think please.

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