Chp 12- His protector

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Guard Asnath above^_^

Chp 12

His protector.

Rose's POV

I sat on the grass looking at the sky.

I don't even know how long or how much I've been sitting here and just watching that cloudless sky but am pretty sure I missed all my classes.

Once I was certain that it was lunch time. I stood up and dusted myself just as Parker came in holding the broom above his head.

"Well, you surely caused disaster." He said making me roll my eyes after giving him a deadpanned look.

I was still angry about that dream that I've had, I was feeling myself when I came here with paint but the janitor caught me halfway and instead of rebuking me, the guy actually helped me.

I even had enough time to remove any evidence that would show any direction to me being involved.

Anyways it looks like I made a new friend.

"Come on," Parker said with a sigh "Am actually tired of cleaning. I regret helping you by the way, I thought you should know that by now."

I narrowed my eyes as if accusing him for not resisting. It was like my mental breakdown survived this long to actually paint.

"I have somewhere to be, I left a surprise in the cafeteria just for everyone." I signed to him.

"Again I can't speak sign language princess." He said looking really confused.

I didn't feel like talking. It took energy moving my jaw and I was not in the mood to waste my fucking energy.

I haven't talked since I was twelve years old. I got adapted to being a silent thing.

I pointed at myself then made gestures of tossing food in my mouth hoping he understood. If not, he's a lost cause.

"You're going to the cafeteria?" He asked and I nodded making him smirk as he took out a cigarette "You did something didn't you? My gosh you're evil. I like it."

I resisted a smirk as I left him behind.

Waking up felt like a heavy task considering the fact that I had dark circles under my eyes and my skin looked really pale because I actually lost sleep.

I walked around the lockers trying not to just drop down and sleep on the ground. I was near the cafeteria when I came to a sight that made me slightly sober to sleep.

A guy with heavy not that heavy muscles was standing there with someone who had fear in their eyes, and those eyes belonged to him.

I blinked slowly making sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"So, what do you say huh? Do my homework and I will make this painless." The guy said and I watched as the green eyed guy just sit there with fear.

He actually looked tall and slim but I guess not that productive in the fighting department.

I was planning on leaving because firstly this is none of my business and I barely know this guy but as usual the body had a mind of it's own.

"Well dude ain't you going to--" he barely finished his sentence because I was standing beside him now.

The bully looked at me slightly shocked.

Probably wondering how I got beside him without catching any sounds.

"Who the fuck are you? You look like a dead zombie." The bully screeched making me roll my eyes.

How creative of him.

"Anyway leave here Missy, this is a dang--" before he could finish I slapped him across the face making his head turn the other direction sharply with a noise of surprise. He took a few minutes to recover before thinking he's so smart by shoving me to a locker.

I raised my knee to hit him where his family jewels sat making him choke and he let me go muttering something about something not being important then he ran away.

For a full on moment I felt like a protector. Almost like a hero.

His protector.

I raised an eyebrow at that before remembering I have a certain someone here, I turned to see Kevin....or so Reiner said watching me with disbelief eyes.

We just watched each other for a long time. He really wasn't that bad looking.

"Holy fuckkkk!!! The bathroom!!" A voice screamed making me break eye contact as an army of students passed by covering Kevin from sight.

Ah looks like they found my gift.

I chuckled before feeling bored in 2.0 seconds. I was literally going to sleep on the floor if I didn't leave this place.

I ignored the shoves I received from students as I walked away and into the parking lot. I swallowed before dialing Jung and before he could answer I dropped the call.

I waited and waited for what felt like hours until a familiar car came in sight.

I smirked slowly as I entered the car and tapping the guard's shoulder making him look behind me.

"Don't fetch my so called siblings." I signed making him raise an eyebrow.

"They said that my lady?" He asked softly and I nodded.

"Yes, am sure they can walk home." I signed before looking outside the window.

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