Chp 34- The TRUTH

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Chp 34


Kevin's POV

To say things in this house are very weird would be a lie and an understatement.

The twins were constantly on Nemesis's throat and I wanted to scold them for stressing the poor woman to death, the girls didn't seem bothered by Adam's death.

I was investigating that actually, I was on two unsolved case. On the Rose's family situation, I found out that everyone has a role, the gang is still going and I didn't know how large it was or fertile. The name was Cobra and they lived to their name, being fast, quick and effective but I believe that is not everyone's role in their organization or group.

With the Adam issue I could almost very much say the twins are not Adam and Nemesis's children so are the twins instead all of them are adopted. What I don't understand was why did Nemesis claim that Kadet and Kaden are from her since birth. I did my research and Kadet and Kaden are from Germany actually but how they got here is a mystery, they were adopted from 15 years of age.

Dinner was quiet as usual these days. The twins haven't bothered me at all but Nemesis was in for it. I washed the dishes went to my room locked the door before taking a shower ignoring the aching muscles after I was done I took out my Rose family operation.

I know I suck at naming.

So far all the children were there and Pearl was as concluded and as she had told me a messanger. She delivers certain things but what about her siblings.

The window suddenly opened at the. Wind as quick to enter my room before the window was shut there stood Rose with some documents and her lips glowing red. I quickly hid the files lucky that she didn't seem to notice and suspected it was homework.

I stood up to greet her but she shoved files on my chest making me chuckle before I read them, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

My parents....?

According to the documents my mother was Coco and my dad was Terrence both of them were actually abusive and I was not the only child. I had five siblings whom were also sent to different orphanages in different places, my parents according to what Rose found were actually child neglectful especially my father who actually went to the extent of trying to beat us. There were photos of bruised skin and children whose faces I didn't know.

I had three sisters all of which have green eyes but different shades of color and all of them had short hair, black. The other one was older seemingly to be my older brother. Looking exactly like me.

I couldn't believe what I was reading, they were caught by the neighbors and reported. I brought the documents away and threw them on the bed.

"How....?" I was speechless and very completely lost. I thought I knew myself but I don't know.

"" she managed to say.

"Really though?" I asked "In one day, the same day? Who are you? How come you get to know who I am. I have a feeling you do.... Tell me about you."

Rose blinked.

"Well I..." She started signing.

"I know, just who you are? I know your dad is a leader. I know you're part of some gang." I said watching her un-bothered face "Cobra?"

Rose signed a bit.

"I am a messanger, The twins you see...the girls are Assassins, Jung is an heir, Jonathan is named ghost and lastly Justin is destroyer. The names are annoying but the describe our roles. Twins kill faster than you can imagine, Jonathan is good at disappearing, his job involving spying and effective murder. Justin is the killer of joy, peace and anything good including families and Jung is the heir. I deliver." She explained with an expression that screamed 'why I took so long to figure it out?'


"Kevin you're in a house full of tigers. Adam owed us, we protected him in exchange of gathering information about tigers. He was useless and had to be erased."

My lips parted but before I could speak Rose hummed.

"Take your time." With that said she was out. So I was right, Rose was in a gang and oh my God....Adam.

I was not save here, without thinking twice I took out a duffel bag put in my school equipment and clothing as fast as I could.


I was in another gang?

Oh hell no. I finished quickly taking with me my research then quickly before I left I searched my parents only to wish I hadn't.

They have been murdered and today not a fewer hours. My mind for some reason went to Rose.

Why is everything so terrible today. I felt like I suddenly couldn't breath. I stood up, the documents didn't have my sisters and brother's names and only they could provide.

I panicked before forcing myself to calm down. Grabbing my bag I turned towards the window only to have my eyes widen at the twins standing there with raised eyebrows.

"Where are you going?" Kadet asked making me remember how dangerous he truly was.


In a gang.

I didn't want to even be involved in any.

"We can't have our submissive running." Kaden chuckled "oh no no."

Before I could come to any sense. I felt pain on my right cheek before I passed out in exhaustion.

Wtf is with today.... I thought as everything turned dark.

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