Chp 9- The articles

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Long haired beautiful (Jonathan) above...

Chp 9

The articles.

Kevin's POV

"So everyone how was your first day in school with a new brother?" Nemesis asked as we sat around the table.

The table cloth was tiger stripy.

Gosh what's with this obsession?

"Mom, School wasn't opening today." Kaden said causing Nemesis to give him a light scoff.

"I meant ever since he came over." She corrected.

"It was cool." Karen said "he's smart that's for sure."

"And he's just himself that makes him even greater." Kadet filled in "surprisingly though, we have new students."

"New students?" Nemesis asked "well that's good news I guess."

I bit the inside of my cheek simply hoping to finish this up so I can get the chance to leave here and scroll through the internet for something that has been bothering me since I left school.

"We just want to make one thing clear though." Nemesis said "when we leave, do all your chores."

"Do I have to?" Katie asked already receiving a glare that answered "But...mooooooom."

"How old are you again?" Nemesis asked looking at his husband who started counting his fingers mockingly.

"Seriously?" Katie said "Am seventeen."

"Katie be silent." Kadet ordered with a voice of irritating that made her immediately be silent as I raised an eyebrow at that.

"So Kevin?" Kaden started and I had the urge to run away "What's your favorite color?"

"Blue..... purple actually." I answered already knowing where my thoughts were going.


"Um, noodles?" I said causing Kadet to smile widely.

"What about sports?"


"Honey, you're both making Kevin nervous." Nemesis said as her eyes checked the clock "it's already 8 pm, Kevin's sleep time. You can be excused while these angels finish their dinner."

"Thank you." I said as I stood up "Goodnight everyone."

"Goodnight." Kadet and Kaden said at the same time while the others said it later on.

I shrugged and went to my room where I locked the door then went to the laptop Nemesis bought for me.

Went to Google and searched a man named Xavier who as Mrs Smith for told was a successful business man but as expected the media had a spicy tale about his strange past to which I went on.

According to the newspaper, Xavier lived in Florida back then. That's the place where it all began.

I wasn't interested in that though. I wanted to know about the death of his parents and grandmother.

I found a picture soon through the article that spoke about Margaret William who actually looked fresh for a grandmother but her next picture showed her on the floor, eyes died and shovel in her chest while her blood filled the floor as a small pound.

"Margaret William was found dead on the floor in September 1990 the 13th. She was a loving grandmother that didn't deserve to die when God could have taken her away according to her time. There was no evidence found nor any lead but if anyone knows anything, please contact the police."

I frowned at that. Someone really had to kill a person like that, what's worse is that it was a grandmother.

I swallowed as I scrolled down to find another article concerning the Williams.

This time there were six people to which I assumed the four was Xavier's family.

Two people looked like they were shot then four were killed brutally. Worse than the two.

The article wasn't even filled with serious evidence, if anything it didn't provide any information  about the crime at place.

It simply said "Six more people were murdered. It apperes as if the person is targeting the Williams. Anyone with valuable information please contact the police."

I took out a notepad to write down everything that I had gathered so far. Even forgetting that I was supposed to be asleep.

I needed answers. I was just curious.

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