Mafia Chronicles Group chats

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Meanwhile in the rich-estate at the Will family.

Justin: 💬 typing

Justin: Jung wtf is this now?!

Jung: Why does everyone assume is me? Jeo neun keo gae an Jo a hae yo

Marcella: 💬 typing

Marcella: Don't speak your ugly ching ching shit here you ugly shit.

Cella: Gosh what a waste of data and time.

Jung: Yet your ugly ass is still replying to the texts 😒

Jonathan: Can you all shut up?! Am trying to read.

Justin: 💬 typing

Justin: Nerd🙄

Jung: Honestly this is simple. Don't pick up the fucking phone if you don't want to answer.

Marcella: Nothing can stop the vibration though.

Cella: Or the annoying full on texts from you losers.

Jonathan: do you only have us as your numbers on your phone Jung?

Marcella: 😹

Cella: that's just sad

Justin: You're actually that bored huh?

Jung: Stupid.

Jonathan: Why did you make this group chat in the first place?

Marcella: 💬 typing

Cella: 😒

Jung: first of all.....

Marcella: here we go yet again. 🙄

Jung: I didn't make anything at all 🙂.

Justin: I don't like your '🙂' emoji. Speak up you Korean bastard.

Jonathan has left the group chat.

Rose: 💬 typing

Marcella: omg she's finally going to say something.

Jung: how surprising.

Justin: it's about time.

Cella: I don't care... Jung is up to something.

Jung: yes I am..... Which is me fucking someone whilst drinking beer you fashion insecure obsessed girl.

Cella: How dare you? Am more fashionable than you in more ways than one. I don't wear black gothic murderous clothing at all😪 you stupid bastard 😤

Justin: y'all so annoying. Gosh.

Rose: 💬 typing

Marcella: don't make me post pictures of you as a chubby child ...😏

Jung: 😑

Justin: y'all shut up. I want to know what Rose is going to say....

30 minutes later.

Rose: 💬 typing

Jung: TF, it's been 30 fucking minutes.

Marcella: I even had enough time to dress up.

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