Chp 10- Nightmare heaven

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Beautiful Katie above ^_^

Chp 10

Nightmare heaven.

Rose's POV

I blinked slowly as I watched Asnath make a fool of herself right in front of my very own eyes.

I didn't know what to think as she danced the robot.

She was very active today, I noted as I sat on the couch blinking with slight freedom.

Asnath was doing shit to get me to be more reactive to things around me but she just looked like a clown trying to make a stoic person react which to her disappointment wasn't working.

"Omg," she finally sighed coming to sit next to me wearing a military clothes "I give up, does anything at all interest you?"

"Depends." I answered feeling smug that she failed "You were just making a fool of yourself."

"Well thanks." Asnath huffed with an eye roll causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose with an eye roll.

"It's late though." She said after a minute of silence "You already ate so let's sleep."

I nodded before leaving for the bathroom to take another long one hour shower then I dressed in my blue pyjamas joining Asnath who was tapping her phone.

The guards and slaves already had a place to sleep but since Asnath is my friend and luckily nobody knows she was safe.

I joined her under the comfortable covers causing her to switch off her phone including the lights.

Took me fourteen minutes of staring at the ceiling then sleep fell upon me like rain and a dream that I haven't had in years made me wish I was actually having an all night.

I jerked awake in a matter of minutes thankful that Asnath was still sleeping. My bored expression replaced by something I knew someone would be shocked seeing.

With a shaky breath I left the bed only reach under the bed for the bottle of wine that I knew Asnath had hidden and thankfully I found a whole box of them.

I carried them to my bathroom for privacy making sure I locked the room. I looked around as if expecting that dream to repeat itself.

Then I filled the tub with cold water before taking off my clothes then I sat down ignoring the protest my body made because of the coldness of the water inside.

I opened a bottle of wine then I drank as much as I can as I closed my eyes to live in the dream all over again.

I could hear the sounds of their feet as they ran. The way their tears made no difference as the people who held guns aimed at them like animals. The way they were killed for medicine and the way her hand felt on mine as she tried to get me to safety.

As soon as the bottle was finished tears were flowing down my face and I angrily threw the bottle somewhere in the bathroom ignoring the noise it made as it broke into pieces.

Instead I opened another bottle of wine as the cold water in cased my body. I couldn't sleep again anyway otherwise my mind would play tricks on me.

As I drowned the second bottle I heard a soft knock then Asnath's voice as she tried to reassure me things were ok and they were going to be fine but that was a lie.

Ignoring her I took another drink and another until the box containing six bottles of wine became nothing but empty shattered glasses all over the floor.

Her screams we're loud in my head. The blood and the laughter were the only things bugging me at the moment.

My eye lids felt heavy and the knocking on the door officially became a bang as I closed my eyes and embraced the slumber.



I blinked slowly through heavy eye lids that were complemented with a headache.

At least I didn't dream about it.

"Gosh you scared me." Asnath snapped "You could have drowned. Also you'll be late to School if you don't wake up. It's 6 am."

I needed to relieve the building fear and anger that I hid so well inside me.

And luckily I knew exactly the place for that shit.


Rose's outfit on the second day of School.

Rose's outfit on the second day of School

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