Chp 6- Green eyed puppy

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The hot....( Jung)

Chp 6

Green eyed puppy.

Rose's POV

I woke up with a headache and my clothes not where they should be. My lips felt so dry and I didn't like the taste of my breath.

Instead they were on the floor along with Asnath's clothes. Things got a little out of line last night.

Two drunk horny girls can do more than they should especially if one is bisexual then the other is completely lesbian. I stretched before leaving to the fancy huge tub.

I took a long hot shower and relaxed. Once I was done I put a fluffy towel around my body before preparing myself for today even though I wanted to hide.

I didn't really feel the need for make up. I didn't really love it, it didn't feel right. It felt like I was trapped in a mask.

I left the room making sure I locked it. I went to the dining room to find everyone eating.

Jung in his pyjamas as if he was mocking everyone who wasn't going to stay at home. Jonathan had his beautiful hair down as he ate breakfast silently.

Marcella and Cella kept looking at each other. I almost grimaced at the make up on their faces. Justin was simply eating there with a smirk as if he knew all the girls where his.

Don't men get tired of sleeping around?  but I bet it was normal, no one had no control over the body.

I shrugged as I sat down and ate breakfast. I didn't bother greeting.

"Anyways." Jung said a minute later meaning he was going to insult one of us "you guys get a driver. We can't take risks knowing Marcella and Cella, the careless fools."

Both the twins sneered.

"See y'all after school. Your bags are at the back of the car and the guard is waiting." He wiggled his finger in a girly way and I had the urge to throw my egg in his face.

Me, the twins and Justin left for the car except Justin went to a black beautiful bike putting on his helmet. It slightly shocked me but Marcella and Cella didn't seem to care at all as they entered the car along with me leaving with a bike trailing behind us.

"I wonder if ..." Cella trailed.

"Don't say such. I know what you thinking, duh it's a twin thing but yessss! Bitch it's happening." Marcella said with an eye roll.

I pinched the bridge of my nose before looking out of the window watching people rush to work including cars and houses that's until I saw a mansion house, a stripy black and orange house came into view along with some average coloured house that caused me to raise a brow.

Soon Marcella's phone rang and she sighed in annoyance as she checked the caller ID but answered it regardless

"Guys," Justin said bodly "Be careful, a tiger hides among the shadows. Not sure if you saw it but I sure did."

"Got it." Cella said before taking her sister's phone and hanging up they started talking about boys again making me roll my eyes.

The school looked crowded when we finally arrived. I left the car with said family following and Justin showing off his new bike.

We went to get our schedules from the principal instead of the receptionist for some reason.

She looked like a middle aged woman.

"Hey, everyone." She greeted when she saw us "The first two periods are a double and I called Conan to show you around." She pointed at a brown haired boy who looked like a jock.

We nodded as he gave us a grant tour and I couldn't help the smirk that painted my face. This school looked plain and empty.

Once am done with it. It will be perfect.

I zoned out when he talked and pointed at the places.

My attention was brought back when the bell rang.

"Anyways." The Conan guy said but I wasn't looking at him. He's ugly anyways.

"The library is being taken care of by Mrs Smith. You can go there for research. That's about it, see y'all around." I looked as the boy waved and left.

"Mrs Smith...." Cella trailed and Justin nodded in understanding.

"We share English." Marcella said as she ignored the passing students that looked at us weirdly.

"Coolio... let's go y'all." Justin said as he ran a hand through his hair "the girls are waiting."

With that said we walked to class and just entered without knocking.

I immediately scanned the crowd. Everyone was either too short, long or medium in height.My eyes landed on a particular tall green eyed boy that already had a blush on his face and his desk had tissues for some reason

Fucking cute. The way he kept trying to avoid eye contact with me.

He fiddled with his hands before looking at me again. He was a little muscular but not too much almost lean.

Why did he wear gloves though?

A hand grabbed my hand because I zoned out on the teacher. Just looking at this guy who seemed to look my way ever so often.

Such an adorable pup.

A green eyed puppy.

The second class was accounting and it seemed I had the boy again.

I bit the inside of my cheek before zoning out in class as I thought of ways to get the equipment that will help me beautify the school.

Lunch time came too soon than expected. I sat with Marcella and Cella as my eyes stayed on the ceiling.

Green eyes huh?... I thought before looking around the cafeteria and to my surprise the boy I saw earlier was sitting with two boy twins and a brown skinned girl with a brown haired one.

As if sensing my eyes on him. His eyes meet mine.

I just looked for the longest time. Noticing that he used a tissue to hold a fork and although he looked away nervously he would look right back.

"Rose...Rose....Rose?!" Justin called and I blinked slowly before looking at him "eeer, you haven't touched your food."

"Not that hungry." I signed making his brows farrow but he nodded nevertheless.

This should turn out interesting.

I hope.

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