Chp 26- Mission Complete

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Chp 26

Mission Complete.

Rose's POV


Good adrenaline rush felt like it was being poured right on top of me like a heavy pouring rain as I walked into my room trying to forget how it felt.

When I delivered the message.

How amazing it felt whenever I saw the person gulp up in pain.

I scanned my room noting that it was as empty as a dry desert meaning Asnath didn't come here today which was good for me.

I took off the uniform before cleaning away yesterday's sins which manly had me being my own father's slave rather than a daughter then his touch.

Once I was done I wore clothes that society approved of before going to my laptop and video calling my so called father who answered after three rings.

His hair was messy like he had just woken up, his clothes consistent of a suit.

"Well done." He said smiling like he liked whatever he saw when he looked me in the eye "Unfortunately that's only one Mission over a hundred."

"Mission complete." I signed to him ignoring what he just said "would you like to know his message?"

Father smiled creepily before shaking his head "hold onto that."

I scoffed before dropping the call, absolutely forgetting the fact that he saved me and he is a leader.

Whatever. I had school anyway.

I left my room with my bag making sure to lock, I don't want little fools like Jung in there especially after his eyes scanned the room like there was something that would eat me up as a person.

I arrived at the dining room taking my seat noticing that Jung wasn't here, probably gone to bully the guards like he has always done in his young miserable life. The twins were here though with Justin eating.

No one was talking and I took it as a sign that everyone was probably mad I splashed water on their ugly faces.

I ate silently remembering yesterday. That was a bold move for Kevin honestly and we don't even know each other. He barely knows what I do.

Yet he was angry at the fact that I ignored him at the garden instead of how I entered a tiger territory.

Makes me wonder if he knows where he is.

Poor guy.

Although I have to admit he did smell good. It was simply Earth smell that showed his vulnerable side as a boy human.

The way he blushed yesterday before kissing.... Ok perking my lips like an innocent person he was.

"Rose?!" I snapped out of it annoyed to hear Jung screaming again.

Honestly can this dude just shut up?

"Why are you looking at the ceiling and holding your lips with....... With a smile?" He asked like me smiling was against the law in this World.

Everyone was watching curiously.

I dropped my hand after noticing that I was probably rubbing my lips. I didn't say anything just looked at Jung who looked right back at me.

Gosh he was so ugly and his smirk was evil.

"Don't tell me you found your submissive." He said tapping his chin.

I blinked slowly taking an apple and a bottle of water. I grabbed my bag and left with no one saying anything at all which was good.

Jeez they always wanted to know other people's shit. I went to the car sitting at the back seat waiting for these idiots that sure took their time not that I didn't mind because it was silent and there wasn't Jung.

After the twins and Justin came inside the car, the guard drove off. As soon as we arrived I left before everyone, heading straight to the garden.

Thirty minutes was left before classes could start and I needed strength to survive the rest of these classes.

I still felt just a little..... Adrenaline that made me notice I wouldn't control myself if some brat came over and did something I disapproved.

I would probably knock some sense into them.

"Rose?" I heard Kevin say making me turn around seeing him with a bright smile that caused my mouth to dry for some reason "Good morning, I just thought I would you know, say that."

He was shyly kicking his leg back and forth like a child. Avoiding eye contact but looking ever so slightly, today he wore denim black jeans and a black hoodie, hair combed to perfection.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Or Maybe you just wanted to see me." I signed waiting for him to interpret the sign in his head and his face immediately shined red after knowing
what I said.

"Well, I-i-i want t-to." He said nervously
"Is that a problem?"

I almost smirked but instead I shook my head watching as he approached me slowly like I was a timid cat.

Oh only if you knew baby boy.

He stopped in front of me, his hand cupping my cheek hesitantly.

"You look good." He complimented making me blink continously at the uncomfortable feeling that suddenly overcame my stomach. He kissed my cheek, his lips brushing there before he pulled away to look at me straight in the eyes for a few minutes.

"Bye." He started leaving the garden with me trying to interpret the weird feeling.

I stood there like an idiot until the bell rang. I signed wishing I could smoke to calm the unknown emotion Kevin just brought up to me.

I left after a moment the garden walking into the filled hallway heading for math class and I passed Kevin's locker where I watched him exchange his books. He saw me after he was done, smiled before raising his hand as if cooing me to take it.

I blinked a couple of times before going to him and taking his hand very hesitantly. I didn't Know why, maybe because I wanted to have a friend in School.

"Come on we have math." He said softly dragging me with him into the heavy crowd.


I just needed a friend even though the weird feeling came back again. 

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