Chp 3- New family

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The beautiful twins (Kaden and Kadet)

Chp 3

New family.

Kevin's POV

We finally arrived at the house. It was a double story that was orange in color, it also had a few stripy black marks almost like a tiger's fur color. I instantly frowned at that, not because I hate orange and black but because it seemed strange that it was the only house with the color black and orange plus it was actually kinda weird.

I looked around at the other houses that were neutral in color... like white and blue plus the house looked like an outcast near the other houses.

It looked like a house that deserved to be in the rich estate but I said nothing.

This house was the largest and tallest, it was basically a mansion but it didn't have any large fancy gate just a Woody fence painted in Orange with stripy black coloured lines.

I sighed and sucked in my cheeks before making sure that I used another tissue that I had stored in my jeans to open the car door to which Nemesis and his husband copied.

"So what do you think?" Nemesis asked as her husband went to take out my bags for me.

"It's a beautiful house," I said pausing for a second as I thought of the dangerous possibilities of saying what I was going to say "Very stripy."

Nemesis laughed like she was expecting that.

"That's what our kids say." She answered with a nod "I mean tigers are such great creatures. It's to the point where I think I got an unhealthy obsession about them. It's probably the power they have."

"Unhealthy?" Her husband snorted as he passed us with the bags. Opening the gate and entering.

"Ok maybe I over do it." Nemesis pouted before smiling at me "anyways, feel free to go inside whilst I put the car away in the garage."

I nodded obediently not wanting to cause problems. I was already feeling so uncomfortable and so out of place. In all honesty I just wanted to run away from there.

It felt like buying a new pair of shoes except you are going to have to wear them permanently until the last intake of breath.

After entering their wooden fence, I hesitantly walked to the door while taking in the beautiful short well cut grass and how some people who lived near by looked at me. They even had a pool and a small vegetable garden.

I shrugged uncomfortably walking faster before entering with a tissue held hand to open the door.

Bacterias stick to places.

As soon as I entered two faces that looked oddly familiar where in my eye's view making me stubble back a little.

Both of them had thin pink lips, brown chocolate eyes and pale skin and both their hair was black in color and they were dressed in red jackets and black ripped jeans.

"Sorry." One of them said rather loudly "I was just excited to meet my new brother!!"

"Kaden!" The other scoffed "please relax for a little bit."

"Sorry." He replied "I mean my name is Kaden and my brother here." He pointed at the one who scoffed at him "Is Kadet."

I nodded before swallowing uncomfortably. Both of them were two feet away from me and that made me super creeped out.

They were breaking my personal space rule that I had in my head.

I guess this family was the touchy and get close to people type.

"Am Kev...."

" Cortez." The one who is Kaden or Kadet....I couldn't tell, they were both literally the same looking even their features.

"Anyways." The other one....I was so confused "Let's show you around the Callum's house."

"O-ok." I agreed as I saw their faces light up. The entire house was modern, everything looked clean just like Nemesis promised. The walls inside were the same color as the outside.

Pictures of tigers and what I assumed was the family adopted children were there. There was a brown skinned woman with curly dark hair and full lips. The twins and a pale, light brown haired girl with green eyes.

Some pictures was of the children including the couple on some events. The twins were bubbling away about how happy they were to finally have me here since Nemesis was busy talking about it.

"So the last event of the place is nothing but....." Kaden or Kadet trailed pausing dramatically "your room."

I looked around and was glad when I saw nothing in Orange and black. There was an L shaped red sofa and a king sized bed with pale walls. A huge window and a soft rug and there were empty book shelfs including an empty desk that had a small light lamp and a medium sized closet.

It was perfect and medium sized. It even had space.

It was perfect. It wasn't too big or too small.

"You do like it right?" One of the twins asked "me and Kaden tried our best. And you have the empty blue coloured walls to put in your posters of whatever thing you admire."

"Again we are sorry that we scared you downstairs." Kadet murmured "We were waiting for so long and I guess we overdid it."

"It's perfect." I said hoping to ease their worries "And yeah it's ok."

They both smiled joyfully.

"Our sisters Katie and Karen ain't here. Apparently there was a certain sale concerning some clothing and them being females...." he trailed.

"You'll see them today at dinner."

I nodded with a small smile that had both the twins smile even wider and their eyes lit up as one of them blushed shyly.

I frowned at that.

"Anyways we should let you unpack." One of them said "feel comfortable to take your time and set your room the way you desire."

"Also I know the twin thing is totally confusing you so being the fools that we most definitely are. We will mark our foreheads with an orange and black marker." He said "orange is Kaden and black is Kadet."

I almost laughed at that but settled to biting my lip not missing the way both of them took in my reaction.

"Why orange and black?" I asked.

"Well it's just an obsession I guess. I mean all animals are ok but a tiger is beyond amazing." One of the twins answered "they roar and stand up with great power. Anyway this is you new family.''

With that said they both left to give me privacy.

"New," I mumbled not feeling like they all deserved the title of family....not yet anyways.

This should be interesting.

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