Chp 20- Ditching is NOT wrong

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Chp 20

Ditching is NOT wrong.

Rose's POV

My classes were boring and everyone was being as dramatic as they can get.

Of course I avoided them whilst my so called family made a very big deal about them. The bell rang indicating that it's break time I packed my things waiting until everyone left before I followed behind them silently.

The hallway was a little full so I waited until it looked like an empty desert. I didn't feel like cafeteria food so I would leave the school and not come back of course.

With the thought of getting some delicious pizza, I turned the corner but pumped into someone. Next thing I know pain is tangible on my back sight and it looked like I wasn't the only one because the person that I accidentally pumped into groaned.

I knew that voice.

Frowning I looked up and saw Kevin stand up dusting himself up.

"So sorry, I didn't see you. I didn't mean to....." His voice trailed when he saw me on the floor. A blush stained his cheeks.

He blushes a lot it seems.

"H-hey Rose. Looking good, I-i-i mean you always look good. No. No. I m-m-mean are you ok? Oh gosh I didn't help you up. You need help o-o-r you're ok." He rambled nervously for some reason I felt amused.

"Stop." I signed watching him instantly quiet down "you understand me?" I asked when I saw him nod. He stared at me for a second before nodding.

"Yeah." He said nervously offering me his hand that I took as I stood up and dusted myself.

"Cool bye." I signed.

"Wait. Where you going?" He asked in confusion.

"Leaving the school." I deadpanned watching his eyes widen.

"So you're ditching?" He asked like it was a sin.

"Why not? I want pizza you can come with." I said watching hesitation fill his eyes "fine we'll be back before break ends."

Biting his lip he nodded as I took the lead with him following. For some reason I looked behind my shoulders to see Kevin looking at my ass, when he saw that I stopped he looked up before blushing deeply and averting his eyes like I didn't catch him.

Shaking my head with a grin I called Jung and dropped it. We stood in awkward silence not even making eye contact or conversation. The car came fifteen minutes later and I signalled Kevin in.

The guard took us to the nearest restaurant and we walked in with pure silence. Of course I ignored everyone around and we choose a booth sitting opposite each other.

We stared at each other for a full minute before a server came and we looked at the menus before getting what we wanted.

Soon the food was served before us and my stomach decided to ramble but silently considering the fact that he didn't even say anything.

"Sooo...." I looked up at Kevin " eeer kinda gone."

I blinked slowly as I took my slice of pizza gently noticing how he used the plastic forks to eat his also how he used a tissue to hold that fork.

Why wouldn't he just hold the slice?

Why would he even use a tissue to hold a fucking fork?


We are teenagers for crying out loud not some fancy rich man.

"Rose?" He asked softly making me remember his question that I forgot the minute it had left his mouth.

"I was tired of School." I signed making his eyes widen like it was an impossible thing "what?"

"But ain't you worried you might miss something important?" He questioned.

"Not really." I signed because firstly I already had millions in my bank and my so called father made money every single second "the teachers would simply tell me to do it."


"Look School is definitely important sure but it's not everything. Sometimes certain people don't need to go to School to be successful." I added "If you look clearly school is depressing. No child is dumb."

He looked at me for a long time as I chewed my pizza as if he was translating my signs for a minute before he nodded slowly.

"I get you there." He said with a small smile "but leaving the school um...."

"You shouldn't have done it if it's something you're emotionally conflicted with." I signed making him sigh.

"I know it's just I knew that......." He didn't finish his sentence as if he was going to reveal some deep secret

"Ditching is not wrong actually is healthy." I signed causing a small chuckle to leave his lips.

I kinda noticed that the corner of his eyes get a little wrinkly when he shows his full white teeth. His green eyes glowed only a little bit and he looked kinda boyish like that.

He nodded as he took a bite of his pizza and I did the same thing. For a second it was quiet again and I savored it.

It was a little bit weird with someone else with me there but it was something I just had to digest.

"You have a favorite color?" He questioned a minute later making me shrug as I thought for a minute to think.

I never even think I had a color that I thought was better than the other.

"Eeerr.... Maybe blue?" I questioned/answered making his brows farrow for a minute.

"I like purple." He said softly avoiding eye contact when I raised a brow with my eyes almost widening.


My eye color?

"Eer it's beautiful." He said looking me right in the eyes "so beautiful and unique. I never seen anything like it actually."

My cheeks almost heated up but being with siblings like mine, emotions can be controlled and tamed like an animal.

"Um...." I trailed chewing my food. "You have any food preferences?"

"To be truthful I like everything." He answered.

And we kept talking about our interest.

I never done that before.

I didn't even know it's a normal thing to do.

I had never done that with Asnath.

I barely doubted she knew my favorite movie.

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