Chp 37- Rescue mission

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Chp 37

Rescue mission.

Rose's POV

I once again I don't know how long went through the research Kevin had discovered on the cobras with Reiner on video call. His brown hair falling into his eyes and eyebrows twitching in concentration.

Asnath had stayed with me after breaking into my room two days in a row when I didn't manage to come out, luckily she came around with food.

So far Kevin found out a lot, like how the so called family didn't bond much, it concluded to me that the Assassins twins are the ones who called over Karen and Katie unfortunately I didn't know their roles in the family but we all concluded it as an act.

We also concluded the fact that Kevin was still in that house. I should have went into that house earlier.

The door sudden creaked heavily making Reiner from the screen and Asnath who looked sad for some reason look towards the door as it broke off it's balance and be bending on one side.

Jung came in looking annoyed, eyes red before he smiled slowly behind followed Justin, Marcella and Jonathan. I raised an eyebrow.

"Where is Cella?" Marcella demanded at me as if it was my fault.

"She doesn't know." Reiner defended me sounding peeved at the accusation.

"Shut up Marcella." Jung snapped before smiling at me "It's there something you would like to tell us."

I looked at Asnath who nodded.

"Get out of my room I don't know." She spoke up my thoughts making Jung give her a once over look like she was sizing him up.

"I didn't ask someone so low in rank." He sneered "Cella hasn't been here in two days."

While Jung was putting on a pity party I stood up and went to my closet and searched for more protectable armor and clothes and taking a bag to fill them with my hidden gun supply ignoring Jung's scream for me to come out which I did after five or more minutes I didn't need much anyways.

Justin, Jonathan including Marcella looked shocked at what I was holding except Jung seemed to know something because he looked away from me before sighing like he was praying for new siblings.

"Wtf what now?" Justin asked as he scanned me.

Asnath was already standing up going over the gun collection I brought with a nod.

"This is a branch." Reiner informed ignoring Justin "He is still there because the cameras we have around the town you're in show no tiger leaving. Good luck." With that he dropped the call.

"So you do have a sub" Jung stated as Asnath zipped up the bag, bowed and left with it to the car, I didn't need to order her around for her to know.

"That nerd?" Justin sneered before chocking on his spit.

"Shut up! Guys Cella!!" Marcella exclaimed.

"We don't care!" Jung said before looking at the door which concluded that he knew something important. Something I suspected since our last unpleasant conversation that included Kevin.

"What is wrong with you?!" Marcella snapped "That's your sister! How could you say that?!"

"I just did!" Jung snapped.

"Wtf is going on?!" Jonathan butted in "Jung Cella is your sister."

"No she isn't!" Jung said simply "We are not blood related."

Marcella stiffed like the words had hurt her "Meaning for once and truly.... I mean nothing to any of you?"

"Don't guilt trip us." Jung said.

I was getting annoyed by all this. I had to get Kevin back and I didn't have time, each moment I spent on this place a really nasty bad feeling grew within me.

"Ok shut up!" Jonathan snapped "Rose had a sub now she's going to go get it?! Because I know father didn't sent you on any mission."

"No Rose is trying to declare War on the tigers." Jung said making everyone look at me shocked "You seem to forget mine sister that a peace treaty was signed declaring distance and if one dared to come near the other it is a clear sign of war."

I rolled my eyes at that.

Kevin now, mental state and careful thinking later.

"Do you want to be punished?" Jung said smirking like he didn't care about my sub. The nasty feeling kept on growing bigger and bigger as I stood there.

"Cella?" Marcella said.

"Shut up about your twin already." Justin snapped "She is a grown ass girl."

"Yeah but that--" I raised my hand up shutting up everyone.

"Shut up." The words left my mouth before I could sign them which made everyone's jaws drop including Jung who I went to stand straight up in his ugly ass face.

"Kevin is mine! Your little self won't stop me." My throat felt so dry and so tired I almost wanted to vomit. Not caring about them, I left the room getting into the passenger seat with a sigh.

"Ready?" Asnath asked.

"It's a branch we need an army." I signed to her "call Mrs Smith." I said giving her my phone which she took without a doubt when suddenly the car opened to Justin, Jonathan and Marcella including asshole Jung entering with casual clothes looking out of my window I saw a truck being taken out of the garage.

"Fine let's do this." Jung grumbled pouting in his seat which shocked me for a second before I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

"Yeah then we find Cella." Marcella smiled "Your voice is beautiful."

I looked at the window avoiding eye contact at that statement.

"Yeah find ugly twin two."

"Shut up. You're the ugly one." Marcella snapped at Justin.

"Ugh let's get this rescue mission on the road please. Here's the plan." Jung mumbled while cracking his knuckles "so much for a peaceful environment."

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