Chp 1- A new home

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The cute... hygiene obsessed green eyed puppy (Kevin Cortez) 

Chp 1

A new home.

Kevin's POV

"Are you ready Kevin dear?" Mother Marry said with a small smile causing me to shrug "A new family is just what any child needs Kevin. Don't worry both of them know about your requirements and they agreed to be clean."

"I guess." I said trying to act happy but I guess it failed since mother Marry sighed because in all honesty I didn't want to leave, I could already feel the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

"You've been in the orphanage since birth dear," she said softly "I wish you could stay too but unfortunately you can't. You can come visit any time of the day though."

She was right though, the orphanage has been the only place I could call home including asylum. Most of the other kids wanted, they actually desired to be adopted into a home of loving parents but I was paranoid by that.

There were too many risks and danger and I didn't want to be catched by surprise when something went wrong with said new parents.

Sure, I would have a new bed and probably a mother who would tell me they loved me but it would take a lot of time for me to adjust to a new place.

What if the family adopting you were some bad people, people who cause harm to others. What if they crushed their adopted children's spirits?

Or even worse people who had no respect for clean places. I couldn't live in a place like that, bacterias are everywhere and I have to stay 100% clean to avoid flu or any other infection.

I just couldn't stomach living in a house full of strangers where everyone would treat me like gold for one solid day then start showing me their true colors the next.

Or where the parent's children torture me because am suddenly their mother's favorite. I was already used to the orphanage but in all honesty, I had no friends not even in the orphanage.

It was lonely but I could handle that.

"I know," I nodded before standing up from the couch with my eyes flickering over the familiar green walls that I used to call home "Am ready, we can go and I do promise to come visit.''

"Oh, you're always welcome here." Mother Marry said with a huge smile as she helped me carry my bags, she wore gloves though because I only loved touching my bags with bare hands.

We walked out of the orphanage igmoring the curious eyes and whispers of the other children who saw my two bags while I was secretly said goodbye to the huge building, once outside we found a blonde/white haired woman with toned skin and a brown skinned man. Both of them were wearing formally and they smiled immediately after they saw us.

I briefly wondered if they were putting on an act.

"Hello Kevin.'' the white/blonde haired lady greeted "I know you probably think we are going to murder you or something according to your look."

"We won't at all." Promised the brown skinned guy "You are just what we are looking for.''

I couldn't act like I didn't want to go now since they went through the trouble of actually coming here and filling out all those that paper work in order to adopt me so I gave them a huge fake smile that seemed to do the trick because they immediately smiled widely.

"Thank you.'' I murmured before looking at their dark blue car which was currently the new mazda trend in Cliffs right after Toyotas so I think they are rich to afford something that just came out last week.

"We can go." I said uncomfortably when I noticed that we were all standing there like lost individuals.

"Of course dear." The white/blonde haired said before her eyes widened "Oh my goddess, where are my manners. My name is Nemesis and this is my husband Adam Callum."

I nodded taking note of the husband taking my bags but he was wearing gloves so I relaxed.

"My name is Kevi...."

"Kevin Cortez." She filled in "mother Marry already told me about you. The car is perfectly washed and cleaned so you don't have to worry about bacterias creeping around and our house is cleaned. Come on, your new siblings are waiting."

I felt uncomfortable when she mentioned siblings specifically when I didn't know any of them but I nodded and entered at the back of the car seat after taking a tissue to open the door. Who knew what kind of bacteria was around, even though she said the car was clean. I just had trust issues I suppose, the wife entered the passenger's seat.

The husband started the car and before I knew it mother Marry was just a shadow waving in the distance.

It was quite for a few minutes before Nemesis decided to speak up.

"Do you want to know more about your siblings?" She asked.

"Sure." I said awkwardly, totally feeling out of place.

"We already adopted two girls and we gave birth to two twins," she said and I relaxed a little knowing that I won't be the only one yet uncomfortable because I didn't know what type of kids they had "The twins which are my children are named Kaden and Kadet, then there is Karen and Katie. Both Kaden and Kadet are seniors then Katie is a junior whilst Karen is a sophomore."

I nodded to show I was listening.

"Marry told us you already went to Clifford High School, are you a senior or...?" The husband asked with a small, soft chuckle.

"I am a sophomore just like Karen." I answered.

"Which subjects do you take?" He asked.

"Am more of a business kind of guy." I answered again with a small smile trying my best not to stutter, I still felt uncomfortable.

Maybe this wasn't bad though.

''The twins are studying to be doctors, Katie wants to be a fashion designer and Karen wants to be an architect lastly our son Kevin wants to be a business man.''

I smiled at how she included me on the family list. It made me feel accepted and uncomfortable because I wasn't ready to be called by their surname nor did I accept them as my parents nor was I ready for them to call me son but I didn't want to complain and look ungrateful.

They were friendly though and they sure knew how to make someone comfortable in their presence.

"The entire family will sanitize their hands before touching you and we will all be hygiene friendly." Adam said "Marry told us you have a schedule, you can still follow it, just because you're in a different environment doesn't mean things will change."

"Thank you so much." I said in relief because most people find my hygiene obsession weird which is one of the reasons I never had friends but I just want to protect myself.

"Of course dear." Nemesis murmured.

"You're part of us now." Adam said making me frown a little at how he pressed on the word us "A Callum."

"Welcome to the Callum's family, Kevin Cortez." Nemesis said with a huge smile "Being champions is part of the family flow even though you don't have our blood."

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