Chp 27- Breath me

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Thank you all for reading this book:-). Honestly I thought people would just pass it by. Let me know what you think please.

Also dedicating this chapter to Sia's song....breath me.



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Chp 27

Breath me.

Kevin's POV

I swallowed my groan as I stood staring at the library door with a little guilt and fear.

I was being disobedient to Mrs Smith but it's not like she would know about what would happen.

What I did?

After a huge exhale of air I entered, walking slowly as if I was a hopeless child and the World had crushed on top of me like a heavy rock.

"Kevin?" Mrs Smith asked in shock looking up from her books with glasses on, baggy eyes and what I assume is yesterday's clothing because they looked crinkled.

"Why you look like a zombie?" I asked walking to the desk that surrounded Mrs Smith with heavy books.

"I was studying something important." She said "Is it already Christmas?"

"No, I haven't sent santa your wish list anyways." I said with a tiny smirk.

"Geez ok." She said with flattering eyelids "I got this huge test am writing soon."

"You're a student?" I asked in shock as I grabbed one of the heavy textbooks on the table and dropping the bag in my hand on the table.

"No only recently." She mumbled dropping the book on the floor before taking her glasses off. Skin pale to represent her lack of sleep, mouth yawning as she ran a tired hand on her hair "I want something more ya know? Believe it or not but I want a good paying job for once in forever."

I nodded in understanding "you should rest though."

"I cannot--"

"It's fine, sleep I will come back before leaving to wake you up ok?"

She looked at me for a minute with an open mouth ready to complain but a yawn replaced her words as she just threw her hand on the table making me chuckle a bit before I became silent and the environment reflected my silence right back at me like an echo.

In boredom I decided to pack Mrs Smith's stuff but as I picked the bag near her. It slipped on accident and I quickly put everything back along with the books.

Then I scrolled through the library, walking around while thinking deeply.

Rose... Rose is-let me hold her hand though it probably meant nothing more than just friends.

I was just over thinking issues concerning Rose's case including her now.

Will I hide it well to Mrs Smith?

Did Rose's father actually murder?

Me and Rose are definitely friends at least....?

I would like to think so myself because she wasn't one to label things and I really needed to know what's happening.

I label things..... A lot.

Before I knew what was happening the bell was ringing and I was standing on the nature section book filled with various animals.

Raging from crocodile to eagle and fish.

I could leave this library but Mrs Smith would stay in here alone and I didn't want that at all.

What if I leave and someone comes in and violates her brutally?

I could lock the library doors but what if she wakes up and finds herself plugged in darkness?

I couldn't tell if this was an excuse but Mrs Smith will definitely write letters to confirm that I wasn't ditching.

Definitely not again after the first time. I couldn't stop the guilt that burned through me when I realized that I sound like am using Mrs Smith as an excuse to escape classes but I definitely could not leave her here alone.

Brushing my fingers over the books holding information about animals. I picked randomly, I picked eagle, lions, horses then snakes unfortunately snakes had only one large book that became difficult to carry all the way to where Mrs Smith was sleeping.

I had to keep an eye on her. Once I was comfortable I began opening the largest book which was about snakes themselves.

My eyes scrolled through the table of contents until I found a particular species.


With that, I scrolled through a lot of  pages till I reached the one.

Turns out each Cobra had a specific job, a specific task.... All in which it depended on the color of the skin. The creature was definitely beautiful but absolutely dangerous and could attack at any moment if disturbed.

Could that have a connection to the cobra crew Mr William had in the past.

All I know about typical street gangs was that each individual had a specific role so that the group doesn't end up in the dirt.

A knock rang through the library just as I was about to confirm if Mr Williams had such a crew.

Standing up slowly, I went to open the door only to find Rose standing there looking bored as ever.

"Rose?" I whispered looking at Mrs Smith who had particularly warned me to stay away from this specific human female.

Rose blinked before pushing me aside to enter.

Oh no.

"Please don't make noise yeah?" I pleaded watching as she approached Mrs Smith before looking at the book on the table then she walked towards me again.

"Do you know the purpose of a snake?" She suddenly signed to me making me blink in shock at the random question.

"To survive? Maybe?" I answered unsurely.

Since she came to visit me here..... It definitely means that we are friends at least.

"No. It's to kill." She answered bluntly "Each snake has a unique way that leads to nothing but death either that or betrayal. Be careful now."

"Be careful of what?" I mumbled in pure confusion.

"That's something you have to figure out. Am simply a messenger." She signed this was the longest she has ever talked.


I smiled slowly.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled with a raised eyebrow.

"Be my friend. I am needy, warm me up."

"Sure." I answered excited that she made the first move to seal our friendship.

"Don't forget my message to you." She signed making me nod. Looking around the library before me. She instructed me yet again.

Breath me in.... Feel me."

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