Chp 30- She speaks

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A/N: so sorry for the slow and long updates y'all. Thank you for sticking on this story.

Dedicating this chapter to Jimin's song- Filter. Explains Kevin's feelings towards Rose in this chapter.

Chp 30

She speaks.

Kevin's POV

It has been an awesome week on my side so far actually because Rose was literally around me on more occasion than one and it was sometimes pleasant sometimes weird because I mostly had to start the conversation between us.

We fell under a schedule of some sort. Everyday during lunchtime we would at least take 10 minutes with each other in which involved me talking or me just staring at her face.

Her beautiful face that is.

At night around 9 to 10 she would show up and we would watch movies or simply cuddle with each other other than that it was cool. Sometimes when she was bold, she would peck me on the cheek or mouth.

I wasn't complaining even though my palms got sweaty and my cheeks flushed to the tomato colour.

Constantly being around me got me wondering why she would want to be around me at all.


The boy in the shadows but I wasn't complaining. Mrs Smith didn't know about our secret hangout which Rose didn't consider secret but I did.

"So... Still not going to tell us about that girl?" Kadet asked bitterly making me sigh yet again.

Everyone in the house including the parents and the girls were proud that I wasn't some depressed lonely guy which I didn't know if I should be offended or something.

Sometimes being lonely is good. The twins on the other hand seemed against the very idea of me having a female friend at all for some weird reason, they constantly asked.

"Again no." I said knowing I was lying. These days I was thinking of asking Rose out like on a date but I didn't know how to began because a conversation with Rose was already hard as it can get.

"Mmmh sure." Kaden mumbled in disbelief as we all waited for Adam or Nemesis to arrive.

"Why are you guys so-" Katie was cut off by Kaden's look that screamed 'you know why.'

I didn't say anything as I scanned the crowd watching people Converse and  laugh some simply walking and standing alone but then my eyes caught purple eyes staring at me with a raised eyebrow making me smirk as she rolled her eyes and entered her family car.

"See, you're smiling at nothing at all." Kadet snapped.

I sighed again but kept quiet seeing the familiar Toyota drive in but instead of Adam there was Nemesis.

We all entered the car greeting Nemesis who had red eyes for some reason and buffy cheeks causing me to frown in worry.

"Are you ok?" I asked watching everyone watch her in surprise.

"Home." Was all she said driving in complete silence not even trying to be her usual mother figure instead she seemed so done with this world including us according to that look.

My leg bounced a little as I swallowed and looked outside the window.

What felt like forever we finally arrived, after the car was safe in the owner's garage we all left following Nemesis to the house.

"You guys go ahead, we'll talk during dinner." She said and as weird as it seemed everyone left like it was no big deal. I stayed there watching her look at me in shock for a minute before she forced a smile.

"Go ahead." She tried to coo even though she seemed to be in the near verge of crying.

"No." I said softly placing my bag on the floor "Let me help you cook ok?"

She smiled gratefully and allowed me to help slice the Vegetables and even though she was down, she seemed quite happy to have someone there.

I wondered why children could just leave their mothers in the edge of crying like that. To me it seemed like they didn't care not one bit.

After hours, because Nemesis was still slow in depression we managed to set up the table calling everyone to the table.

After a heartfelt prayer I noticed Adam not being here making me frown but I didn't ask.

"Where's dad?" Karen asked with a raised brow.

Nemesis cleared her throat as her eyes watered again.

"Y-yeah about that see...." She trailed for a minute before getting her posture back "He's dead."

Everything was so quiet you could hear the neighbors talking. The fork movement stopped as everyone let the words sink it that their father is dead.

"How exactly?" Kadet asked angrily. Seriously though they need to stop being angry.

"As a police man, he was on patrol then was suddenly shot by a Hitman or so that's what his colleagues assume." Nemesis managed without a stutter in her words "He's gone."

"He's gone." She repeated with a shake of her voice this time "There is still an investigation that will be held."

The twins looked at each other before eating un-bothered with a blank face. The girls seemed hurt a little as they tried to chew their food like Nemesis who looked like she wanted to vomit.

I frowned noticing know that Adam worked as cop. I didn't know that, I wanted to face palm because I was supposed to know, I was scared they were kidnappers but I didn't ask about their daily tasks.

The atmosphere was too tense even though I didn't fully know Adam, I didn't want him dead that's for sure.

Clearing my throat I excused myself because it was time to meet Rose and as expected she was sitting on my bed this time with a Lacy short night dress that had my eyes widen a bit at the display of her legs.

She looked at me.

"Hello." I whispered because instead of the loud house I was getting used to everything was super quiet.

Rose looked at me for one minute opening her mouth and shocking me so much with what she said with her mouth, her true voice.

"Someone die?" She asked, voice raspy maybe because she didn't talk much and it was so soft and quiet like a whisper i almost didn't catch it.

She spoke!

She can speak.

Her voice sounded almost like that of a child laced with her innocent looks.

"Something like that." I said after recovering from looking like a dying fish "how do you know?"

"I.....del...ivered." She said making me confused.

"You talked?" I said instead

She looked around for a few second "Yes, I have ......a mouth...duh."

I chuckled at what she said.

"There are people with mouths but cannot talk and that's ok." I said coming to sit near her swallowing when our shoulders touched. I quickly thought of the risk if I asked her what was bothering me for the couple of days.

I flushed as it went silent for a minute as I mustered my boldness, glad that she now trusted me enough to talk.

"L-let me kn-know your t-type?" I asked watching Rose look at me before she grinned like a naughty cat and that made me blush more. I was seeing reactions I never saw before from her today.

"M....y" She whispered.

"Ye-yeah." I said "I can be your genie.... How about Aladdin? All you have to do is tell me and I will be him. Like a filter all you have to do is choose." 

Rose had a blank face for a minute before she whispered words that shocked me more.

" submissive?"

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