Chp 23- Strangers

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Chp 23


Kevin's POV

I was both nervous, scared and excited for today.

Excited because well after a day of being around Rose she would start thinking of me as her friend maybe she will stop to greet me before going to wherever she goes.

Scared and nervous because I knew of the sinful act I had performed yesterday which is why I came earlier today and I would continue getting here earlier.

I was not going to let my hard work go to waste. I had to stay focused no matter how hard it was to focus on the matter at hand sometimes.

I took a large inhale of oxygen before exhaling. I walked to Mrs Smith who was currently looking at the library in pure boredom but she perked up when she saw me, instead of smiling like she used to.... she frowned.

"Morning....." I trailed awkwardly not knowing if I should hug her or not but after a second she opened her arms so I took that as a good sign to go ahead and hug her.

"Morning Kev." She mumbled pulling back and scanning my face for some reason "Yesterday you didn't come over. It's like am disappearing..."

"No." I answered as I felt my mouth go completely dry.

Did she know?

About what I did?

God no.

"Where were you yesterday during break Kevin?" She asked arching an eyebrow "Am sure you were somewhere else."

I was trying my best not to pee on the floor.

"I totally attend all my lessons though." I said the unnecessary information watching Mrs Smith's eyes widen a little.

"Am sure you did but where were you during lunch? I went in the cafeteria and your so called siblings are innocent." She said crossing her arms around her chest "Where you with..... someone?" She looked me right in the eyes.

Did she know the answer already?

Was I in trouble?

What should I even say?

Thoughts came crushing down on me like a tsunami flood. Too much. I guess my silence answered for Mrs Smith.

"Who is it?" She asked and I looked away from her.

Did it matter?

What was I supposed to even say... to even utter. I was speechless.

"Kevin? It's ok tell me.."

"Rose." I answered hanging my head in shame.

"Oh." She said "I would be over happy if you suddenly had a female friend or even a female companion but honey the only problem here is that not her. Definitely not Rose.... pick another female please." She said making me look at her.

Her eyes were pleading with me.

"Why...? I thought..." I trailed.

"Some things are complicated. Am protecting you. Trust me Kevin dear there are many nerds or popular kids.... Rose might mess up your dreams in the future." When she said that I couldn't help but think of yesterday.

The way my perfect attendance would be ruined. The way I knew that teachers might be looking at me. The way I felt was not pleasant but at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about her interests. It was so nice to simply sit down and have a chat with someone who isn't Kaden,Kadet,Karen and Katie. Someone who isn't Mrs Smith.

I thought of times when she might ask me to ditch again just to please her.

"Ok." I said after a minute of conflict but it felt like a lie.

"Good!" She brightened just as she checked her watch "come back her please."

I nodded before leaving.

Luckily for me teachers didn't seem bothered when I explained my lie about being in the nurse's office because I was being a careless person and ended up falling to the floor so I had went to the school garden for a quick rest and I was shocked they brought it.

Now I was in math and I was looking at my watch. I couldn't believe time skipped so fast, I haven't seen Rose in any of the classes ever since they begin.

Maybe I was a terrible host yesterday or Maybe I was just not enough to her full satisfaction.

Then I scoffed because I was supposed to avoid Rose now. When the bell rang I waited until everyone was out before leaving the class.

I walked slowly to the the library trying my best to avoid Everyone who were currently walking in speed mode.

When I reached the library, I turned around and went to the garden just to think for a few minutes.

Yesterday messed me up and today was turning to be something I have never expected before.

I froze when I found Rose standing there and basking in the sun. Today her hair was curly, she wore black chain looped jeans and a grey sweater, the wind blew the hair around as if touching it and I envyed that.

She turned slowly to look at me.

I didn't say something for some unknown reason I wanted her to sign something to me, maybe smile just the thinnest around the corner of her eyes but she just looked at me with those dazing eyes of hers before she blinked in boredom and passing me like I was air.

I smelt the hint of Rose on her and instantly knew it was her cologne or soap.

I couldn't help the smallest hint of pain that entered my heart when she didn't bother. She looked at me like we were strangers as if yesterday we didn't hang out and talk. She treated me like everyone else, thin air.

I sighed watching the sky for a moment and keeping my emotions in track.



I could definitely do that as well as she did. She barely knows me anyways.

She doesn't know a single thing about me or my history.

I swallowed before walking to the library. Opening the doors when I arrived then closing them silently.

"So how where classes?" Mrs Smith asked as I put the bag on the floor. The library was already a familiar environment.

"Strange....the classes felt like strangers."

"Weird." She chuckled "You being poetic."

"Am a man of many hidden talents." I answered trying my best to forget that today ever happened.

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