Chp 21- Shame on me

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Chp 21

Shame on me

Kevin's POV

I smiled nervously as the car stopped at the School yet again.

I had to bite my lip to stop the groan that was going to escape my lips. School was over and I had missed four classes straight.

When I turned to look at Rose she was already watching me with a raised brow and her usual blank face that I tried to break the entire time we ate pizza together but it was a major fail because all she did sign and sometimes not answer my questions.

It was difficult and I noticed that she was sorta introverted.

"Bye." I said softly trying my best not to show how disappointed I was in myself.

I have never missed a class before. I worked hard to maintain my perfect attendance but I just had to go.

Rose just nodded so I took my bag and left the car in a quick hurry so that my new adopted siblings didn't think something was going on.

Luckily though no one noticed.

The car ride for me was one of guilt.

"So did you stop those dudes?" Adam questioned watching us through the review mirror.

I thought every minute he was going to scold me and ground me. I was so nervous and disappointed in myself.

I couldn't believe I didn't attend my classes.

What if something important happened?

What if they got homework?

What will my teachers say the next day?

What if they knew I ditched?

Although I understood that ditching is not wrong or that is needed once in a while, being absent was due to being sick.

This was new.

And it was a fearful feeling.

"Well no." Kadet said "it's more like they have been ignoring us. We will investigate though."

"Good." Adam beamed proudly but I just wanted to hide in the darkest depth of my bed. Right under the covers.

I was ashamed.

I felt like pure shame and I didn't know what to do to remove this unwanted emotion.

"Daad." Whined Katie "Stop ok. Am going to tell Mom." She said with a warning look.

"Yeah, yeah. How was class today Kevin?" Kaden suddenly asked and my heart started beating fast.

What if he knew?

"Fine." I said trying to act unaffected thankful that I could see the stripy house getting closer.

"Ok well. You guys want take outs?" Adam asked as he finally stop the car.

"Chinese!!" They all said at the same time except me of course.

"You good with that Kevin?"

"Yup. Though is it ok if I eat in my room. I have a few things to do." I asked nervously.

"Of course, just clean up your mess once you're done." He said and I nodded and climbed out of the car.

"So Kev, you maybe have a minute to make videos with this really cool app?" Katie asked waving her phone up and down.

"It's called Tik Tok." Karen said with a smirk "I have a few followers myself."

I shaked my head with a nervous Expression.

"Am terrible at that." I said but in all honesty I just wanted to leave this place and go to my bed and worry about my stupid act.

I was in the mood the time I looked at her eyes.

When I said yes instead of thinking logically.

When I knew I had an opportunity to at least hang out with one girl that didn't cringe in disgust.

"Ok cool. Come on guys." Katie waved at the twins that smiled at me quickly before leaving.

Finally leaving me to rush to my room.

I paced after locking the door thinking of an excuse.

None came.

I felt even worse because I was thinking of a lie.

Huffing I sat on the bed and did my new homeworks. My math assignments using my computer for a few clarifying on an equation.

I was halfway through studying before someone knocked.

"Yes?" I asked.

"It's Kadet." The person answered "Your delivery is here."


"Come in." I said watching as he came in and walked up to me and gave me the meal.

"Thanks." I answered.

"Of course. You should take a little break. You study too much." He said with pride lacing his voice.

"It's a good distraction." I mumbled.

"Yeah although it never lasts long. The feeling will soon come back. Hope you're ok, me and my twin are going to the movies this Friday..." He trailed looking at expectantly.

"Sure." I answered but only because I wanted to see him leave.

I needed to be in my own thoughts for awhile.

"Cool." He said before dramatically blowing a kiss my way then left.

What now.

Oh well... I thought as I shrugged.

Might as well think about my unsolved case.

With that I quickly went to chrome and clicked on Xavier's name. I went to pictures and I saw the perfect family.

There were six of them. All different in culture and skin.

Rose was blank faced as usual but she looked so bored.

I wonder how she looked when she smiled.

How she looked when she talked.

There was a Chinese, the twins, a long haired man and the current bad boy of the School.

Rose was either in black or purple.

Xavier was larger than all his children, his suit black, face in a smirk as he held a beautiful woman near him. I noticed there was in some pictures, a woman who had muscles and a guy with pale skin.

They matched the description Mrs Smith had told me...... meaning

The Cobra crew was still alive.

What do they do though?

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