Chp 19- Girl in pyjamas

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Chp 19

Girl in pyjamas.

Kevin's POV

It has been a full two weeks in the Callum's house and I was getting used to everyone already. I Know the twins love tik tok videos but they sure make sacrifices. This one time Kadet broke Kaden's flat screen TV and nemesis was seeing red.

Katie was filming the whole thing. I also noticed that only the twins were really dominant and not the parents either.

"Gosh." I silently sighed rolling my eyes.

The girls really did take their time in looking perfect as they say.

"Jesus!" Kadet huffed loudly "What are you guys doing? Popping? You lucky we woke up earlier. Kevin has a schedule to keep. We were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago."

"Shut up!!" They both shouted. I almost rolled my eyes. I accepted that today was going to be the first day I was late and arrived with everyone else.

"Sorry Kevin." Kaden said with a frown that I responded with a small grin.

"It's fine. It's new but a small change won't kill right?" I asked with a small shrug.

"Not at all." Kadet said just as the girls left looking like they were going to a model contest.

"Who is it?" Kaden suddenly asked "The guy you want to impress."

"We have no idea what you're talking about." Katie said innocently.

For some reason the idea of them dressing so hard to impress some dude didn't seat right with me. I still wasn't comfortable calling them family but they didn't have to try so hard to get a guy to like them like that.

"Mmmh." Kaden said "we'll be watching you today."

"What he said." I mumbled before I could stop myself. I heard the girls gasp in disbelief and the twins Chuckle in victory.

"Kevin not you too. Is it wrong for a girl to just date?" Katie asked as we made our way to the car.

"He could be a jerk." I said.

"Or a rapist." Kadet said.

"Or a ....." Kaden didn't finish because Katie huffed grabbing Karen's hand and leaving us behind.

"Let's keep a close watch though." Kadet said making us nod.

I guess I was getting used to everyone already.

Adam was driving and he asked why the girls look so flashy and dressed to perfection. Kadet huffed out a response that made Adam's face harden.

"No boys." He said instantly.

"That's not fair." Karen said "We also want to date just like you can."

"No." Adam said "keep a close eye on them today boys. We attack those motherfuckers if found."

Katie's mouth opened and Karen sighed in defeat.

When we finally arrived we saw a crowd of people who were clearly watching something interesting. Everyone except Adam and I left to see what it is.

"You're not interested?" Adam asked when he saw me take my precious time with taking my bag.

"It's boring high school drama." I rolled my eyes "So dramatic."

He chuckled "see you champ."

I smiled leaving the car. I've grown very comfortable with the Callum's that I could actually joke with them now.

I had difficulty getting into the School but I managed to pass through the crowd and walked into the School. My eyes almost fell into the floor when I saw an albino.

An albino looking so hot...... in pyjamas?

Her legs were on display and the black lipstick on her lip highlighted her skin and bored expression. Her hair beautifully curly except for the French. I noticed she captured the eye of everyone.

I briefly wondered if they were going to make fun of her or something along those lines.

Her tatto filled brother and sisters seemed to warn everyone not to touch her because she looked so inviting.


A girl in pyjamas can look that inviting and beautiful?

I couldn't believe this for once. With difficulty I ran into the library to greet Mrs Smith.

"Hey." I said with a small smile.

"Hey you saw Rose in pyjamas?" She instantly asked.

"Yeah." I said "what do you think?"

"She barely cares at all. I like that, she looks very..... what's the word?" She asked looking at me.

"Inviting?" I answered and asked making her nod. I was about to say something but my mind clinked on something.

"How do you know her name?" I asked watching Mrs Smith's face fall for a second.

"Remember the story." She said quickly "it has their names."

"How do you know she barely cares? Is like you speak from experience." I said.

Mrs Smith sighed looking at the floor "Her expression?"

Although it was an answer I decided to let it go for now.

"Well ok." I said not wanting to make things weird between us "she's making an audience for some reason."

"Yeah!" Mrs Smith said instantly forgetting my interrogation. I didn't miss her face of admiration though.

"I better go." I said but Mrs Smith demanded a hug so I gave her as I went to my first lesson and it was math. I concluded that the day I found Mrs Smith on her knees wasn't just for the reason of a dropped book but it was because well I don't know but that's what I want to find out.

I couldn't help feeling nervous because Rose was in this class actually all my classes.

Once I arrived in class I sat down in my sit as everyone poured in. Soon it was silent but only for a minute because Rose entered looking like an angel. The black made her skin vibrate.

Her bag was always on one shoulders as she flickered what is ear buds on her hands. Face staring straight up and not at anybody else.

She did not apologize. Simply walked to her sit with eyes on her but she looked like she barely gave a care.

The teacher began but am sure everyone saw his eyes flickering to Rose once in a while including mine. We were given a test that I finished quickly on. So I decided to look at Rose for just a minute, I didn't mean to it's just she was so different than everyone else that I currently know.

She doesn't fit in.

She doesn't even care about a single thing.

I liked that because I feel like girls are too self conscious.

She was holding her pencil in her hands before she raised her head and looked straight at me.

I blushed in humiliation of being caught and looked away quickly.

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